What Hitler believed and thought BEFORE WW2: His trust of Britain and America
I’m still busy reading memoirs of someone who worked closely with Hitler. Hitler had no animosity or hatred of either Britain or America. In fact, before he became the chancellor of Germany, while he was still rising and fighting forward with the NSDAP (NAZI) party, Hitler could not see any reason why Britain or America would EVER want to stop the NAZI party.
He thought the British would not interfere with them. He gave logical reasons as to why it was not in Britain or America’s interest to be a problem.
I am amazed at Hitler’s naivete. He clearly did not realize how the blood thirsty, insane British would react, or the lengths that the evil Jewish infested, communist infested FDR would go.
Another thing about Hitler is that his view of socialism was nothing more than UNITY and TEAMWORK. That was all.
As I’m reading, I’m finding the discussions and thoughts fascinating. But I was struck by how naive Hitler was. He could not conceive of the nasty, hideous British, who would tell any lie and make any devious move in order to destroy him.