Video: Start the Impeachment! Joe Biden Admits Storming the Senate Chamber at Age 21 and Being Arrested (VIDEO)
[The video is at the source link below. Turns out the old dumber-than-a-plank race traitor and election thief is a hypocrite. He's a low level scumbag. Jan]
In 2007 Joe Biden told David Letterman that he was arrested for trespassing in the US Capitol and taking a seat inside the Senate Chamber at age 21.
Joe Biden bragged about the alleged event on Letterman.
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Today the US government including the DOJ and FBI are ruining people’s lives for walking through the US Capitol on January 6th.
The FBI has arrested over 250 people so far in connection with the Capitol raid on January 6th.
A vast majority committed no violence and were just walking around inside the US Capitol building.
The FBI still is promoting this most wanted poster even though many of these individuals have been apprehended and committed no crime besides walking through the US Capitol.