Video: EXCELLENT: White Technology: Is a Sherp the ultimate all terrain vehicle? – Sherp beats Mega Trucks – My Comments

[This is very good. See how all the vehicles struggle like crazy until the Sherp arrives. I've never seen a sherp before but I'm impressed. I saw a few videos of it, and it would definitely work wonders in equatorial Africa and Central Africa. It's a lovely design. Basically the vehicle floats. I think the vehicle would be more stable if it was longer. During this run with the film footage the Sherp makes a bunch of moves that no other vehicle can. However, the funniest was when they opened a front hatch to pick up a lovely White girl!!! Yep, where is manhood if there are no possibilities for sex hey? All in all great fun stuff. There are 2 videos below. The first, short one, will give you an idea of what this vehicle is capable of. Its low pressure, tractor-type tyres are its key feature that gives it a lot of abilities. Jan]

SHERP the true all terrain vehicle

Sherp Vs. Mega Trucks Impossible Bounty Hole!!

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