Video & Article: Hitler and the German love of creativity… even in war…
I was reading the memoirs of General Von Manstein. Crimea, which is in the news these days, because of Russia and Ukraine, was actually a very difficult area to conquer in WW2. It had extensive defenses. It was Manstein’s first achievement on his own, to conquer it, and Hitler was extremely pleased with the fight he fought.
In Manstein’s writings, he mentioned the arrival of the huge train, with the biggest gun ever built, called Heavy Gustav, which came on a train.
In an article it states: "In spring 1942, the Gustav gun made its debut at the siege of Sevastopol. The 31-inch gun barrel fired 300 shells on the Crimean city."
Manstein was not impressed with this enormous train gun which was sent to help him. He thought it required far too many people to operate. But Hitler was very delighted with this weapon.
Militarily it was not a success, but it was enormous. It could only fire 14 shells a day.
The Germans were very creative, and it is an important part of what they are. All Whites like some kind of creativity, but the Germans take it even further, and Hitler himself delighted in it. Their ability to build and create is astounding. Even if, in this case it was something of a waste of resources.
Manstein who was a General was very practical and could assess weapons and tactics accurately. So he was a not impressed.
But we must not be too hard on Hitler or the Germans. Creativity and a love of creativity and building, defines our race. And nobody does it better than the Germans, and Hitler, took it to whole new levels, that won’t be seen again for a very long time.
Here’s a video about this very big weapon: