The Insane Pathetic Levels of Jewish/Liberal Stupidity Reporting: One Black Slaps another Black – Will Smith Va Chris Rock

I just want to comment on some insanely idiotic Liberal crap. So one overpaid, talentless Black slaps another overpaid, overrated talentless Black at some Jewish Hollywood event. I saw the headlines about this bunch of crap when it went down. I have no interest in watching any of this retarded crap to be honest with you and I don’t care.

However, it amazes me … just astounds me … that this worthless garbage is commented upon in the Jewish Mass Media and articles are even written about it!!

It shows you how far downhill Jews are taking us to where one Black retard, slaps another Black retard and we have to see and read endless commentaries about pure pointless nonsense.

I can’t overemphasize the pure stupidity of this. Is this what civilization has come to?

It’s ludicrous.

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