Tan Staafl: The Age of Treason & the Weird Death of Nelson Mandela – Loved by the Jews
[An American lady sent me some links to Tan Staafl's The Age of Treason. Some of which pertained to the death of Nelson Mandela, the White hating-communist, whom the Jews LOVE. And that is no joke. Anyhow I wrote the lady a quick note below. Jan]
I wrote:
Just a note. When Mandela died, it was really quite weird and creepy and many people did not seem to notice. It happened at a time when I was doing almost nothing on the Internet. But I would go out daily at lunch. And when I did, the newspapers would say weird and contradictory things. The most important thing is that it was said, and I can’t remember who said it, but it was said that Mandela had DIED … and then shortly thereafter they said he was NOT DEAD. For a period of about a month, maybe even 6 weeks, they were saying Mandela is in hospital and ill, but not dead. Then finally he "died" and then it was official. There was even a dispute about the digging of his grave. There were family members wanting to dig his grave before he was "officially dead". I would have to hunt around a bit. At the time, I took photos of the front pages of newspapers. But I want to tell you that I think the death of Mandela included serious, high level, stuff. I think it was believed and feared that South Africa would end up in some kind of serious situation of violence. I think big things went on behind the scenes that may even have included Western nations. I repeat, he was pronounced dead WEEKS before he was OFFICIALLY DEAD.
I went and looked and looked. I found 2 images relating to this. I’ll post it on my websites. But I know I have more.