JEWS AT WORK: Wikipedia to remove all information on genocides perpetrated by communism as ‘biased’
[I thought the only people who would lie and hide the truth about communism are the Jews because they created it. Well, if you read the comments below the article which I have published, lots of the readers also concluded the same! That the nasty Jewish Communist nightmare rule has to be hidden from people because it might piss people off. Jan]
Jose Hermosa – TheBL Nov 30, 2021
Wikipedia is set to delete the entry on its page, referring to the hundreds of millions of mass murders, which devastated subjugated peoples under communist regimes during the last 100 years.
The idea of deleting that information has generated much criticism, including from Cambridge historian Professor Robert Tombs, who sees it as an attempt to whitewash communism, according to The Telegraph Nov. 27.
“This is morally indefensible, at least as bad as Holocaust denial, because ‘linking ideology and killing’ is the very core of why these things are important,” Tombs emphasized.
He added: “I have read the Wikipedia page, and it seems to me careful and balanced. Therefore attempts to remove it can only be ideologically motivated – to whitewash communism.”
Some users dedicated to maintaining the site consider that the information expresses a biased “anti-communist” concept, and the administrators will decide whether it should be removed.
The bookmarked page describes the deaths of millions of people during the communist regimes imposed in the Soviet Union, China, Ukraine, Cambodia, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Romania, East Germany, and North Korea, with numerous sources.
For his part, the director of the Federation for Defense of Democracies, Cliff May, goes so far as to call those who try to purge this historical data as accomplices.
“Those who attempt to erase this long and terrible history of criminality should be seen as accomplices after the fact, paving the way for more tyranny in the future,” May said according to The Telegraph.
Likewise, Kyoto, Japan-based researcher Oliver Jia argues that only specialized people like him can get a clear picture of how horrible the crimes committed by the world’s various communist regimes have been and starts a thread with information on the subject.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if this goes through. Wikipedia has long been hijacked by politically motivated activists instead of being run by evenhanded editors,” he tweeted.
He added: “All this is going to do is contribute to general Western ignorance of atrocities under communism.”
Some of the bloodiest episodes caused by a communist regime have been the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 in China, and the Great Leap Forward, imposed by Mao, which caused a famine that may have caused the death of up to 20 million people.
However, those crimes do not stop as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is currently continuing what has been called by several countries the genocide of the Uighurs.
“Many have died in the camps, countless numbers following their release and hundreds have disappeared altogether. Mass sterilizations, torture, removal of children to orphanages, attempts to eradicate Uighur religion, culture and language are well documented,” Bitter Winter recounts.
In addition to persecuting the Uighurs, repression extends to other ethnic and religious minorities, including the millions of practitioners of the ancient spiritual discipline Falun Dafa or Falun Gong, based on the universal principles of Truth, Compassion, Tolerance.
GEORGE on December 2, 2021 at 9:14 am
The Holocaust is also to be removed because it’s anti-National Socialism. (Removes tongue from cheek).
brian boru on December 2, 2021 at 9:30 am
Well, when you consider which ethnic group created communism, financed it, occupied most of the positions of power and influence, developed the GULAG and headed the secret police organisations, and when you then consider which ethnic group controls Wikipedia then it comes as no surprise that they would want to delete this history. Most of what the public accept as ‘history’ anyway is simply an agreed upon set of lies by the victors. And the communists were the victors.
White Elephant on December 2, 2021 at 11:42 am
A cleverly written disinformation article. As we can see, you’ll never read any article on genocide, unless the holy Holocaust is mentioned. They keep this blatant lie, firmly fixed in the minds of billions, through constant referencing to it. And Cambridge historian, Professor Robert Tombs, shows just how heavily indoctrinated teachers are. The students, in today’s educational establishments (read state brain laundries), haven’t a chance of ever learning the truth.
lewis jones on December 2, 2021 at 12:25 pm
Highlanders would have rushed those guards in the picture, risking their individual selves.
Wendell K on December 2, 2021 at 1:15 pm
Why is Fauci the little worm still walking around?
He should be tried and quickly hung in public!
This would send a message to other crumb and cretins that crimes against humanity will not be tolerated!
Joel on December 2, 2021 at 2:41 pm
The Marxists / Communists are the lowest of the lowest and it is one reason why Europe feared the Communists more than the Nazis. With the Nazis you will lose your freedom..but with the Communists you will LOSE YOUR SOUL. Read Elie Weisels “Night” ( 1st edition ) where he decided to go back with the Germans to the west rather than wait for the Russians to liberate the camp where he was supposed to be at with his father.
antiseptic on December 2, 2021 at 2:57 pm
OF JEWISH SPIRIT ! and surely the leftist
+ jew steered wikipedia is interested to
bury the truth. for looking into history i
never use wikipedia !
Nico X on December 2, 2021 at 3:52 pm
Communism, like Christianity, is just another Jewish created ideology/psyop to obtain power over gentiles, concealing its true motives behind illusory concepts like ‘brotherhood’ & ‘equality’. The paradoxical tactic propelling both creeds, is the prerequisite that the masses of gentile morons must come to accept & believe in these scams, not recognizing both were developed to enslave & liquidate them…
waw on December 2, 2021 at 5:12 pm
If you think the “Russian” Revolution was Russian, you are an uneducated IDIOT. The 1917 Revolution in Russia was a Jew overthrow of the Romanov dynasty and the nation-state of Russia. WHY? Nicholas II was the richest man on the planet. The Satanic Rotchilds and others wanted this wealth. Jews established Communism in Russia, which led to the deaths of about 66 million, mostly Orthodox. This number of 66 million comes from Solzhenitsyn. The Satanic Jew Schiff of Kuhn Loeb Bank furnished Lenin with $20 million to fund the revolt. The bank was repaid with over $100 million. If the names of Moses Uritsky and Felix Dzernzhinsky and Genrich Yagoda are strange to you, go sit in the corner. These are some of the greatest murderers of all times. All JEWS! Jews are about to visit another nightmare on humanity when those who got the clot shot are DEAD.
chesterton on December 2, 2021 at 10:15 pm
This is because these ‘holocausts’ can be linked to ‘jewish’ despotism… and wacky pedaphile being a jewish hangout is seeking to hide the crimes of it masters..
This is what the world looks like on ‘jews’… lies. censorship, untrammeled greed, immorality, hypocrisy…. and of course one shouldn’t forget slaughter… always the slaughter..
lewis jones on December 3, 2021 at 1:45 am
To waw–if it is possible for Jews to kill you to the tune of 66 million people, you need some more self-protective attitudes.
Umbra Bellator on December 3, 2021 at 1:49 pm
What kind of “historian” is Robert Tombs if he can’t even see the bloody obvious that the holocau$t was a fabricated pile of steaming bullshit? Apparently Tombs needs to be given some basic facts…and a punch in the face for being a sniveling idiot.
Gavin on December 4, 2021 at 4:16 am
Yes to the comments above. This is the Jews going out for slaughter again and they must be stopped. The Byzantine Empire stopped them and it was the most successful and longest lasting empire as a result. Jews could not be in education, politics, or banking in Byzantium. The U.S. has put jews in all positions of influence and as a result has not lasted 3 centuries. Their plans must be stopped.