A White Lady, Empress Wife who puts out the most beautiful posts – criticized – Ugly Jewish hags

[On Gab is a fabulous white woman who puts out the most incredible posts about women, girls, marriage, etc. She said people were criticising her for only putting out stuff about women. Jan]

I wrote this to her:

Ignore the criticisms. I love your posts and love the pics you send around. They’re fantastic. Men would marry if women were the way you depict them. I enjoy all your posts. Keep ’em coming. I’m SICK TO DEATH of feminist bitches, who have learned their lessons on hideous attitude from Jewish hags. I much prefer soft, feminine women and wish they would all be the way you portray them. No man wants to marry a bitch. And Jewish women have NOTHING to teach white women. No beautiful white woman should EVER listen to a dysfunctional Jewish HAG! (They are not sincere anyway, they’re just trying to ruin our race and nations for their own self gain).

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