HELP! – Wanted: US Mail Forwarding service for me…
I’m running into a continual problem because I am dealing with folks in the USA, and I’m coming to the conclusion that I need some kind of physical post box in the USA, where I can have mail sent to me. This is mainly for people who support me. Then, I must be able to have that mail (it is only envelopes, letters, etc), forwarded to me in South Africa.
Have any of you used a mail forwarding service? If so, can you recommend any?
Parcel forwarding would be a minor part of this.
I am reaching the conclusion that it is better if I handle the costs of mail being sent to me, rather than having people post to South Africa.
But I need a service that is not excessively expensive, and which is reliable.
So if any of you have had any experiences in this regard I would appreciate it.
I have been doing some investigation, but I prefer also hearing from other people’s experiences.