Articles Chart: INSANE: US Jobless exploded right off the charts… The Financial WW3… 5th April 20205th April 2020 [These numbers are beyond belief. Look at the unbelievable disaster unfolding before our eyes due to this ridiculous lockdown nonsense. Jews at work. Jan] xxxxx Sign Up × Free Book RAHOWA! This Planet is OURS! By Ben Klassen RAHOWA means: "Racial Holy War". Ben Klassen in America invented that term. Ben Klassen is a brilliant German-American who began to worry about the future of White people in the 1960s. He is also the author of The White Man's Bible. He wrote many books and booklets. Ben probably did the deepest and greatest thinking with respect to Whites and our future since Hitler himself. Ben believed that all Whites should stick together as one and that we should carve out a wonderful world for ourselves. Ben invented a religion especially for Whites, and it is known as Creativity. He referred to use as CREATORS. Ben foresaw and warned of the nightmare of "Diversity" which is now pouring into America thanks to Jewry. Ben is AWESOME! If you study only Ben Klassen's work then you can't go wrong. He did some tremendously deep thinking about our people and our future. Email Yes, send me the book! No! I'm not interested!