Whites: I believe in us! – Why we will survive – An Email to a Lady about White men fighting with each other…
[A lady on a list was rather annoyed by the one-upmanship of some men. She told them to stop it. In this instance, I was not one of the wrong doers. I was well behaved – this time! 🙂 This was my response. Jan]
I read what you wrote and I did not want to get involved, but, I can’t help myself. 🙂
We are animals, mammals, and there is competition, especially among the males. It’s very natural. When I look at the long history of European history, I see a LOT of intensive competition. That is how the "nations" eventually solidified. European history is the history of the greatest competition that’s ever taken place on Earth. Hundreds of millions have died there. But out of this competition, blood and all, have come the greatest ideas, the most awesome progress, the world has ever known. In my own, rough estimation, probably 90% of anything that means anything, perhaps even 95% of everything that means anything comes from that little part of the world.
What is happening on this list is nothing more than nature at work. We differ, we argue, we try to be friendly, but sometimes, we lash out too. Among the shortcomings of discussion, and good manners, is that there comes a time when discussion alone can’t fix things. But good discussion, along with various rules, including having good manners (an area of weakness with me), helps a lot. I regard the European race, and everything that comes from it, as the greatest thing, bar nothing, that ever came out of this planet and probably will ever come out of this planet.
We, the European people, have a number of internal driving forces – animal driving forces. Among them is this competition, which never stops and it is ultimately, actually, the root of ALL PROGRESS. One of our criteria, that is unspoken, is that we not only want to compete and be better, but we also do not BOW DOWN to anyone easily, unless, he is a Jew, in which case we grovel in the dust and lick his boots endlessly, or he is Black in which case we grovel before him because we don’t want to displease God’s only people, the Jewish filth.
We have a strong individualism, which is also good. It has it’s good sides. It means that we don’t take orders easily. We look at all people with a certain amount of skepticism. If it wasn’t for this quality, we would be a lot worse off I assure you.
But we also know how to cooperate. That, in its highest form is known as Civilisation. But when it comes to teamwork, nobody in our race knows how to do teamwork like Germans. And EVERYONE can learn from that … to set the self aside for the greater good.
But even in that scenario, competition still lives, along with rules. Hitler himself tapped into it endlessly. In fact, all of Hitler and Napoleon’s powers were based on tapping into the fabulous talent that is latent, and often even unappreciated in Europe because there is so much of it. Heroism, whether it is in Pagan times, or under Hitler, is part of that. You reward others, and boost their egos because they sacrificed themselves for the team. This is in fact, very possibly, our finest feature. I don’t think anyone, except for the Japanese, will engage in so much risk, self-sacrifice, harm and death as us. It is a wonderful feature about us. Where the men will risk life and limb, simply for honour. Napoleon once said: If I had enough ribbon, I would be able to rule the world.
Competition is good, as long as we know where to start controlling it. Like if we start poisoning each other, or spreading lies about each other or breaking each other’s bones … then we’re going too far. It’s no longer helping the team. Or if we hate each other to such a degree that we would side with a Jew or a Black rather than with each other.
I see quite a lot of competition and ego among the White men, and it’s not a bad thing at all. We must just keep it from being destructive – killing, seething hatred, lies. Otherwise, this competition can become ever more intense and it can lead to insanely awesome things.
I assure you, we are quite fine. But life has many weird lessons in it. For example, talking alone cannot solve all problems. What really makes this much harder than it should be, are the many junk Jewish garbage concepts that exist in our minds, which are NOT of European origin and which only serve to cloud the issue. For us, unity would be easier, if EVERYTHING we use as the basis for our thinking comes from only ourselves and our history. But we have this parasite, which is fighting for it’s life, this spiteful Jewish entity, and it does anything and everything it can to trip us up and misdirect us. It thus has happened, many thousands and tens of thousands of times that eventually force, and outright civil war has been used to settle matters. I’m afraid this is a part of life. It was only in WW2 that it turned into a fratricidal slaughter.
Make no mistake, other races have the same problems. And their methods of resolving their problems are even more retarded, except for the Japanese. The Blacks, will fight with each other much more easily, and will even murder each other with greater ease and brutality. In that sense, we are more civilised. For them to argue and disagree is maybe even easier than for us. And their solutions are much worse. The Asians on the other hand never seem to get to a proper solution. In Europe, eventually, someone truly great arises. In Asia, despite their massive population they never get to that point.
Whatever our weaknesses and foibles are, we are still the best and whatever goes wrong, our outcome will still be better. I remain FIRM in my conviction that we’re going to show everyone else "how it’s really done" (revolution).
But I must remind you, Nature, the only true "God" that exists, is utterly brutal, utterly unforgiving and totally ruthless. Hitler himself said: "Nature NEVER forgives weakness".
I’m sure Hitler would want us to work together, but I’m sure he was totally realistic and he knew that at times you have to push forward hard, yourself. He himself was no slouch in that regard.
The men will be separated from the boys. The competition among males leads to a hierarchy. We have the same here in South Africa. A small population and even more arguing and differences based on all kinds of junk.
I do prefer life and struggle and fighting over the opposite. I would rather we argue with each other and even differ and even get annoyed with each other than that we slouch into silence and do nothing.
Silence = DEATH. Rather bitch and moan, than silence.
But we’re trapped here. The Jews have cut our financial wings, the Jews have cut off our ability to speak and make noise, so we have to do all sorts of things while having many disadvantages. But this hard and nasty lesson will teach us the value of what we lost.
We will cry and be furious at the power we lost. We dumb idiots in South Africa handing out power on a plate to our enemies – perhaps one of the dumbest things ever done by Whites. To get any of it back will take blood, sweat and tears.
Others among you will learn the value of having lost the ability to vote and that this no longer works.
I have no doubt that we can arise, but it will require: Blood, sweat, tears and many moments of anger, despair and outrage. But all these things help to build us up.
This is merely nature punishing us for becoming losers. Our people have lived through these things tens of thousands of times in Europe. It’s nothing new to us.
The weak will fall by the wayside. The strong will struggle on while their comrades fall by their sides. This is how we are purified. This happened to Hitler and to Napoleon, and to Caesar.
Nature is ruthless. And as Hitler said, this is a world of struggle. It always has been, and always will be.
But to be frank with you, we men have become weaker, and we’ll have to up our game. Our biggest problem is that all our leadership has been lost and either destroyed by Jews or co-opted by Jews.
Hitler was the last of the true leaders we ever knew and we need to get back to that sort of state. It may take a LOT of effort to get back there. But the struggle will also burn into our souls the importance of this and to NEVER LISTEN TO JEWS AGAIN NOR TO DEAL WITH THEM NOR TO TAKE IN ANY OF THEIR IDEAS OR THOUGHTS.
We will be purified just as iron is turned into steel through intense heat. So too will we move to our next level again.
We took each other too much for granted. We let distance and stupid ideas get in the way. We put money over race.
Now we are paying the price for that.
But we’ll be ok. Make no mistake, I too, have my moments of fury, of despair, etc. It is a struggle indeed. At times I am happy, and at times I am sad. But mostly, I’m quite happy actually.
Now and then someone infuriates me intensely. Other times I wonder if I have angered someone and I beg for forgiveness.
As for the men, what’s needed is for the bullets to fly. Then you’ll quickly see the lesser nonsense disappearing. My own view is that life is NOT HARD ENOUGH FOR US. That is what is slowing us down.
I will tell you, from my own experience, that nothing bonds you like a common enemy and common hardship. This is my lesson from Rhodesia. The end result is wonderful. But Germans have known this lesson better than anyone of modern times.
We will begin winning the day when we are RUTHLESS and we throw Jews aside like rag dolls, and we kick Blacks into place without a second thought. But you only get there, through HARDSHIP, FAILURE, BITTERNESS and ANGER.
It takes time. But such is life … but wonderful things have come out of it!!!
There is no instance of great victory or great achievement that was NOT preceded by lots of hard work, pain and effort. You cannot escape this.
Nothing is free in Life. Nature is not a Liberal. Nature is ruthless and unforgiving.
But we are still the best and finest thing that came out of nature! 🙂