Western World: The Power of (((Billionaires))) must be broken – Probably by Governments
Professor Caroll Quigley, in his book on civilisation, wrote that as of 1900, we in the West have entered the age of Monopoly Capitalism. This was one of a number of his observations that astounded me. But in 2020, you can see the wild rampant madness of billionaires at work. They have been allowed unfettered power. They do as they please. In fact, they’ve been assisted by key elements in the Govt, military and intelligence. Any plan or idea they had was entertained and the state allowed them all sorts of lee way in their behaviour both in the USA and overseas.
Quigley was probably referring to South Africa and the gold and diamonds that were seized from the Boers by military force by the (((British))). But this love of the super rich has grown and grown ad infinitum. This has reached a point where we now have the (((Mass Media))) calling the election and where (((Big Tech))) is telling us what is right and wrong, etc. The (((billionaires))) are acting as if they are the state.
I think that American fears of the state itself being out of control, are being dwarfed by (((business))) being out of control.
I am wondering what the chances are that nationalism will return more and more and that the (((billionaire power))) needs to be broken to some degree.
(((Business))) has grown to such an extent that everyone worships the ground it walks on, but in reality its time it’s power was nipped in the bud. I am happy to see these CEOs being questioned in congress. Not that it’s a threat to them yet. But it’s a good starting point.
The (((billionaires))) need to be kicked in line … from all sides.