Western Civilization Is In Its Final Years by Paul Craig Roberts – My Comments

[I smile when Whites say it is the end. We are in trouble due to JEWISH OVERLOAD along with other PARASITE OVERLOAD. But we can always FIGHT BACK and that's what everyone should do. Do your bit. We need some enemies and we have some now! They need to be DEFEATED! If we are beaten, it is ONLY because of WEAKNESS and foolishness or cowardice. Jan]

Insouciance has a cost, and the cost is now coming home to Western civilization.

Perhaps other civilizations have destroyed themselves, but it is certain that the Western world has destroyed itself. Other civilizations might have underestimated a threat, or made a military blunder, or like Cartage antagonized a more powerful foe. But the Western world is the first in history that, despite its dominant economic and military power, dismantled itself.

Everywhere one looks in the Western world, governments, intellectual and professional elites, and media have picked apart Western Civilization with relentless demonization beginning in the 1960s. (And yes there are older roots. The “march through the institutions” Frankfort School moved to Columbia University in the 1930s.) White liberals thought that this was the way to reform society, but they were delusional. It is the way to deconstruct society, and that is what they have achieved.

Education, media, Hollywood, and white liberal politicians are weapons deployed against white society. They have painted a picture for all generations that came after mine of Western civilization as a racist oppressor of all other peoples — people of color, people who are not heterosexual, people unsure of their gender, and women. Feminists, minority rights activists, lesbian and homosexual activists, transgender rights activists, together with the neoconservatives who advocate US wars in Israel’s interests, have been the dominating forces in the Western world for 60 years. The demonization of Western civilization as colonialist, imperialist, and racist is institutionalized in universities, public schools, movies, literature, art, and in the New York Times’ 1619 Project. Statues and memorials have been destroyed, museum collections removed, and books banned.

As university classes become more diverse in the white countries, the culture, history, and literature of the countries comes under attack as unrepresentative. Shakespeare, for example, is no longer a requirement for English majors. Seven years ago the American Council of Trustees and Alumni reported that only 4 of the 52 top American universities require a knowledge of Shakespeare for an English major. In place of Shakespeare’s central place in the development of English literature, universities provide courses on vampires, cyborgs, and popular movies and TV shows. The abandonment of English literature, even by university English departments, has become common. For example, Stirling University in the UK dropped Jane Austin in order to “decolonize the curriculum.”

Each time a piece of the cultural tradition is cast into the Memory Hole, the culture weakens and fades a bit more. In this way we are being dispossessed of who we are. To put it simply, year by year Western civilization is being erased.

Narratives are controlled, and censorship is extreme. Indoctrination of the young with critical race theory and gender theory is emphasized more than reading, writing, and math. That blacks do less well in math than whites is taken as proof that math is a tool of white oppression. White students, white members of the military, and white employees of corporations and federal, state, and local governments are subjected to “sensitivity training” which inculcates a sense of guilt and teaches white people to be deferential to people of color. White Americans have become second class citizens who are held back by racial quotas. White Americans are unprotected by prohibitions against hate crimes and have to accept rampages by backs that loot and burn their businesses, constant insults, and calls for their deaths. Democrat-controlled cities such as San Francisco have passed a law that permits blacks to steal up to $950 on each occasion from stores without a felony charge. In other words black crime is being legalized and made a privilege. Consequently, Walgreen and other retailers have closed a large number of stores and reduced open hours in others. Emboldened by the city’s acceptance of crime, criminal activity has exploded with 45% of the city’s population now victims of theft.

Affirmation of the West is hard to come by and is no longer a part of the educational process. A corresponding loss of white confidence and a sense of guilt have resulted in many white Americans accepting to their own children’s disadvantage lower educational standards and admission and employment quotas. The merit-based society has disappeared. The majority of people who have come to maturity during these decades have been affected by concerns for the “oppressed.” The former oppressed–the working class–has been transformed into oppressors known as “Trump Deplorables.” The new oppressed are the victims of the white working class that votes for Trump. Today anyone who speaks for the working class is likely to be investigated by the FBI as a “white supremacist,” or “domestic terrorist.” The brainwashing has been effective. The latest Rasmussen Poll finds that as many Americans agree as disagree with Biden’s assertion that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

In the small part of the Earth’s territory in which white people, a small minority of the world population, exist, white people are said to be an oppressive majority and are being shoved aside in their own countries. In those bye-gone days when a country was a homogenous nation, the nation was based on its race. Germany consisted of Germans. France consisted of French. Britain was British. Sweden was Swedish. Today there are no Western nations. The Western countries are merely geographical locations.

Nationalism is the foundation of unity. To prevent immigration from turning the US into a tower of babel, immigrants underwent a process of assimilation, thus forming a nation out of different ethnicities. But assimilation was abandoned on the grounds that it was against diversity and multiculturalism. Nationalism was redefined as fascism and white supremacy. But without nationalism there is not a people, and unity disappeared. For many years the West has had open borders and is being overrun by diverse millions of immigrant-invaders who have acquired the status of “preferred minorities.”

White families are disappearing in corporate advertisements, another indication of the marginalized status of white people in their own country. White men are disappearing from cabinet positions. Scandinavian governments are essentially female. Liz Truss has put together a diverse government in Britain in which women and people of color are a majority. Biden’s cabinet is scarce on white gentile men. His Secretary of State is Jewish. His Attorney General is Jewish, his Secretary of Treasury is a Jewish woman, his Secretary of Defense is a black male. His vice president is a black woman. Of the remaining 18 cabinet members, 15 are either female, black, Hispanic, or homosexual. Only 3 cabinet members are white heterosexual men. The chief of staff is Jewish. https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/cabinet/

We used to hear a great deal about the under-representation of women and blacks. Now it is white men who are underrepresented. We hear a great deal about “white privilege,” but where is it? How do we explain the marginalization of white people in white countries? Wilmot Robertson explained it in 1972 in his book, The Dispossessed Majority. Jean Raspail explained it in 1973 in his book, The Camp of the Saints. The slow erasure of Western civilization is a multi-decade phenomenon. In the 21st century the open borders policies of the white countries have accelerated the process. In Sweden the subordination of white people to immigrant-invaders went so far as to produce a few days ago a political rebellion against Sweden’s long-ruling leftwing Social Democratic Party which was just voted out of power.

In Sweden moderate political parties are called right-wing and extremist, but despite this handicap, what the New York Times calls “the right-wing bloc” unseated the crazed anti-white left-wing Social Democratic Party government that refused to acknowledge the crime rampage by immigrant-invaders.

Over-run by immigrant-invaders, thanks to the Social Democratic Party’s open borders policy, Sweden quickly rose from the lowest rate of fatal shootings in Europe to the highest. Rape runs rampant. One fourth of Swedish women say they are afraid to leave their homes. Court convictions revealed that in rape cases where the victim did not know the attacker, foreign-born offenders were responsible for 85% of the rapes. However, far from all the rapes are reported, because the raped Swedish women fear being charged for hate crimes for testifying against a privileged immigrant-invader. The implication is that the Swedish women are racist for accusing an immigrant-invader. Under the Social Democrats, a collection of nut cases as bad as America’s Woke Democrats, rape was becoming a right of immigrant-invaders.

Under the anti-white Social Democrats, the police were not permitted to attribute the crime wave to immigrant-invaders. Finally, a couple of years ago a senior police officer, Peter Springare, had had enough. To quote from the UK Daily Mail, September 18, 2022:

“In an online posting, he wrote of his working week: ‘This is what I’ve handled between Monday and Friday; rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drug crime, felony, attempted murder, rape again, extortion again . . . Countries representing the crimes this week: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia . . .’”

The anti-white Social Democrats tried to prosecute Springare for committing a hate crime by telling the truth, but widespread public protests against the silencing of someone who finally told them the truth prevented the Social Democrats from destroying the senior police official.

The immigrant-invaders have sensed the lack of confidence that years of anti-white propaganda has produced in the Swedish people. Immigrant-invader Based Mahmoud recently stated that “Sweden is ours in ten or fifteen years whether they like it or not.” Demographics support his claim.

In short, it is a safe conclusion that the Social Democrats have destroyed Sweden. Despite the massive crime wave the Social Democrats unleashed on Sweden, the margin of their defeat was a mere three votes. The woke media and universities will not be content until they have the party of the immigrant-invaders back in office serving diversity and multiculturalism. The next great wave of refugees will be white people fleeing from Sweden.

Source: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/09/19/western-civilization-is-in-its-final-years/

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