War by media manipulation: How America started the war in the Ukraine!
[I had been suspicious about this nonsense from Biden and his Jews, Blinken and Nuland. Well, here it is from John Kaminski. America is behind the violence. Has Russia invaded? NO! Who is really behind the violence? Read for yourself. As I said, the illegal bag of crap, Biden needs distractions as do the Jews … so they've invented this "Russian invasion" out of thin air. Jan]
Published: Sunday, 20 February 2022 06:48
The false flag fandango
Lusitania, Pearl Harbor,
Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11/01
and now the Ukraine:
West aims to trap Russia
into World War 3
and enslave or destroy
most of the world’s people
At the same time senile U.S. president Joe Biden has been warning the world through corrupt Western press reports that Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine, the U.S.-backed Ukraine government itself, augmented by squads of Western terrorist mercenaries, has been bombing the breakaway provinces of Donetsk and Luhantz and forcing thousands of Russian-speaking residents to flee their homes.
A steady stream of Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine’s embattled eastern provinces have hastily evacuated their homes as Ukraine artillery continues to batter with terror rockets the region’s urban areas whose occupants try to escape with at least their lives across the border into Russia where they are warmly welcomed as kindred refugees.
This is clearly the fulfillment of Russia’s greatest fear ever since American neocons triggered the 2014 Maidan revolution that brought CIA control to the Ukrainian capital in Kiev. Ever since then, the warmongering NATO countries have put pressure on Russia, whose capital Moscow lies only 300 miles northeast from the Ukrainian border.
Malicious media manipulation
Thus far, every single headline in the corrupt Western press reads the same way. The Russians are getting ready to invade Ukraine, they say. The actual situation on the ground is exactly the opposite, as the Ukraine is bombing the hell out of its own territory, driving thousands of refugees across the border into Russia for safety.
Even as Russia pulls its troops away from the troublesome border where they have every right to be, and then observe American mercenaries killing Russian residents of million-plus city of Donetsk, the warped Western press still accuses the Russians of trying to start a war which has already been started by American pressure on the bought-and-paid-for Ukrainian puppet government.
This brutal blather has gone on for weeks trying to take the world’s focus off the failed COVID plandemic which aims to impose Communism on the world, as well as divert attention from the manic fiasco in Canada where police punks continue to rough up patriotic protesters and deprive the rights of citizens protesting the grotesque COVID restrictions that have ruined both the economy of the country and the health of its citizens.
The complex charade now focused on the Western occupied pseudo nation of Ukraine most famous for bribing the drug-addled son of the American president to get access to his corrupt father resembles that typical American boogeyman used as an excuse to plunder another victim country of corporate lunacy, which has been the American way of doing business longer than anyone can remember and has resulted in the destruction of a whole string of Third World nations that would still be healthy if not these barbaric Israeli-American interventions.
There are two ways for the public to resist this new series of obviously false public relations hoaxes, which are the oldest political formula in the books — replacing one false flag crisis with another to divert the public’s fading attention with an endless succession of confusing false narratives.
The first is to thoroughly debunk the failed COVID pandemic, from beginning to end a callous plot by the very rich to destroy the world’s commerce and commandeer the money supply by which Jewish billionaires plan to control the behavior of every person on Earth. This is what the Canadian citizens tried to oppose with their naive trucker caravans which ultimately resulted in the oppressive government decision to rescind their Constitutional rights and freeze the bank accounts of thousands of Trucker Convoy supporters.
When the COVID gambit began to fail, because most of the people being murdered by deliberately injurious medical procedures compelled intelligent people to reject the untested, experimental injections altogether, the powers that be triggered a rebellion in the form of independence minded Canadian truckers, whose sincere desire for freedom diverted attention away from the criminal behavior of the world’s doctors and politicians and onto tyrannical politicians stifling people’s freedom of choice in the most disgusting ways, including fatally trampling old people with police horses.
And when the trucker strike backfired on the Canadian government, and it was forced to use heavy handed violence to crush the protests, world attention was focused on this new tyranny and away from the catastrophic implications of the phony mRNA “vaccines”.
Now the fabricated Ukraine crisis has taken the world’s focus off both the failed pharmaceutical epidemic which has deliberately killed and maimed millions around the world, and away from Fidel Trudeau’s homicidal response to the patriotic outburst of the failed Canadian trucker protest, which has resulted in the loss of all Canadians’ Constitutional rights, including for many the loss of both their livelihoods and their bank accounts.
Therefore, as with the fake disease and its enforced toxic solutions of multiple jabs that have turned out to be useless and ruined the economies of all countries, the citizen protests in Australia, Canada and other countries have resulted in the loss of individual rights and the conversion of former democracies into totalitarian systems in which people have lost their freedom.
It was all planned
As the great COVID panic originated from a 2019 planning session called Operation 201 which theorized a dry run of the worldwide emergency that followed and was trumpeted by mainstream media owned by the same investors as the pharmaceutical giants and medical corporations committing these lucrative crimes against the people, so the contrived disaster from Canada and Australia resulted from restrictive mandates enforced by corrupt governments controlled by the same corporate forces which shut down societies and suspended individual rights of formerly free peoples.
Now because of these ruses are slowly being realized by a larger percentage of the population as cynical plans to inveigle the populations into one gigantic totalitarian Jewish Communist superstate in which individuals may not protest the dictates of their new corporate commissars, the Jewish-controlled United States is crying once again as it did after the Lusitania sinking, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin and 9/11 that war is necessary, and this time it’s war on the rights of all the people in the world and their conversion into totally controllable puppets totally subservient to the new and nihilistic New World Order.
In the meantime, millions continue to die from the poison vaccines, Canadians freeze and die as their government now prevents them from feeding themselves, and fearful Russians flee their Ukrainian homes as the New World Order’s military monsters close in on them while blaming the befuddled Russians as the cause of the problem.
If this sounds like the blaming of the Taliban for the destruction of the World Trade Center, the accusation that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction it wanted to use on the U.S., the charge that Muammar Qaddafi was being mean to his own people and needed to be bombed to smithereens, well, that is because it is exactly the same story that the U.S., guided by the monstrous motivations of its Jewish financiers that turn American political and corporate forces into mentally ill monsters wreaking havoc throughout the world, is using once again to turn everyone into either mindless slaves never questioning the orders of their insane leaders, or inert ingredients Bill Gates intends to put into the hamburgers of the future he will use to poison the entire world, a project he has started that is well under way.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.