Video: Russian soldiers in Syria burn a dead Arab whom they beheaded & cut his arms off

[This is the english translation of the original Greek article. To view the video click on the link at the bottom of the article. This is the same guy that they tortured and beheaded in the other video. Jan]

Saturday, 16 November 2019

“Orthodox Christian” Russians in Syria … / “Orthodox Christians” Russians in Syria … (VIDEO)


Warning: The video contains very harsh images. Not suitable for children!

Warning: This video contains very hard images. Not suitable for children!

The Russian mercenaries, after he was massacred by them, wrote on his chest “for our air force” and burned him that way …
Is this army blessed by the Russian Church? This army is the army of a country that wants to appear as “Holy Russia”, as … patron of Orthodoxy …
How do these “Christian Orthodox” Russians differ from the fanatical jihadists who massacre Christians?
Of course, this has nothing to do with Christianity or Orthodoxy. It’s just an ordinary Russian affair …

See the next related post / See the next date of publication: The atrocities of Russians in Syria / The atrocities of the Russians in Syria (Shocking Video – Shocking Video)

Russian mercenaries massacred after he wrote his chest “for our air forces” and burned in this way …
This army bless the Russian Church? This army is army of a country that wants to appear as “Holy Russia”, as protector of Orthodoxy … …
How different these “Orthodox Christians” Russians from fanatics jihadists who massacre Christians?
Of course, this has nothing to do with Christianity or Orthodoxy. It’s just an ordinary Russian affair …


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