[Ever since I went to Canada in 2019, I had told people in Canada and also outside Canada that there's no way White Canadians can actually lose Canada to Liberals, Jews and all their immigrants. I've had a chance to see Canada, and even flown into some of the rural areas. It's an enormous country, the Whites are well embedded there and very cosy in that cold hell. It is physically impossible for those Whites to be defeated if they are determined. I told them that to their faces. Well, my opinion of Canadians has just moved to the NEXT LEVEL … someone said to me, oh here is a video where they are "heckling" Trudeau. Well, a group of Whites shouting FCK TRUDEAU! FCK TRUDEAU! and holding up their middle fingers … well, if that's what you call "heckling"… well… I would say it is a damned strong form of "heckling". These Whites are angry. I have a soft spot for Canadians. They treated me really well and the trip I did across Canada, thanks to Paul Fromm, was the most amazing week of my life. I told them all, I might never get a chance to say these things to you, so here it is. And I gave my lecture. White Canadians, just stick together and fight on. You're on HOME GROUND, and all this Liberal Jewish claptrap is pure nonsense. KEEP YOUR COUNTRY. A rule that all Whites must stick to. And even we, the few of South Africa, we aren't finished either. You've got some great heroes of your own, Canadians like the Schaefers, the late great Ernst Zundel, the incredible Doug Christie and so forth. You have no need to bow down to anyone. Whites must SURRENDER NOTHING, give up NOTHING, defend ALL WHITE WESTERN NATIONS. As for the traitors, filth and weaklings who got to the top of this scam called "Liberal Democracy" … new leaders and movements must be found. STRONG WHITES NEED TO ARISE. And Canadians, like the Americans can do it. Jan]
Here’s the short video of the most awesome Canadians I’ve seen! Wow!