Video & Audio: America’s Future: Jan’s BEST Interview ever (say Americans) – 2019: The Fash Bash – GoyFellas

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Americans have told me that in their view, this is the greatest interview I ever gave. In this interview, in 2019, I discussed the future and what White Americans can expect.

The original name of this interview was: Episode 6 – White Genocide (Featuring Jan Lamprecht) – The Goy Fellas.

This interview was published at 20:16 UTC on April 13th, 2019.

The Fash Bash was a event for Whites where we celebrated Hitler’s 130th birthday! It was really fun. A lot of people said The Fed’s would arrest us all, but nothing like that happened!

I was invited to the USA in 2019, by these folks calling themselves the Goy Fellas. They were the people behind an idea they called: THE FASH BASH. They wanted Whites to get together and talk and celebrate and have fun and celebrate Hitler’s Birthday. I was billed as the main speaker for the event. Among those who were to speak were Monika Schaefer and Brian Ruhe, both of whom came to the USA from Canada.

At the time we had little interest from White leaders inside the USA even though we approached and invited several.

The guy leading the Interview was Jovi Val. However, the main person who convinced them all that I should be there is the guy called Mosely, whom you’ll hear speaking towards the end of the Interview. There were some really good people I met at The Fash Bash. This was the main event for my US trip. It was fascinating to be part of this.

I was lucky enough afterwards to go to Canada to give several talks in Canada thanks to Paul Fromm.

I did this interview before I headed off to the USA. At the beginning of it, the audio is bad because I was struggling with the software which I could not run on my PC. But the sound settles down.

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