Vaccine Fail in Israel: Latest covid outbreak in Israel occurred mostly in fully vaccinated – My Comments
[I don't normally give a crap about Israel, but this seems to be in line with the West. Since the Jews have engaged in massive efforts to vaccinate, I therefore find this funny. The Jews definitely feel that COVID is a threat – all of them. I even noticed this in South Africa. The Jews here take it very seriously. Jan]
The Israeli government is claiming that the majority of people who are testing “positive” for the new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “Delta” variant were already vaccinated.
Ran Balicer, who leads an Israeli government “expert advisory panel,” says that his country is considering another lockdown due to this latest “strain” of the Chinese Virus, which is supposedly linked to a spike in hospitalizations.
The vast majority of those who are suffering in this hospital, however, are people who received both doses of Pfizer-BioNTech’s experimental mRNA gene therapy injection, which proves that the jabs are useless.
“The entrance of the delta variant has changed the transition dynamics,” Balicer is quoted as saying, adding that this B.1.617.2 strain, as they are calling it, has been “detected” in more than 70 countries.
More than 200 people in Israel allegedly tested “positive” for the Delta variant, which prompted Israeli authorities to demand that everyone in the country put back on their face masks while indoors.
Everywhere except one’s personal home is once again a face mask zone in Israel, which has seen some of the most draconian Chinese Virus measures be enforced throughout this past year.
About 55 percent of Israel’s 9.3 million residents have now received both doses of the Pfizer injection. Children as young as 12 are now eligible to take it, and the government is pushing hard for everyone to obey.
“Our goal at the moment, first and foremost, is to safeguard the citizens of Israel from the Delta variant that is running amok in the world,” announced Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.
When will the coronavirus madness end?
The Israeli government continues to aggressively demand that all residents take the Pfizer injection, despite the Israeli People Committee (IPC) having already come to the conclusion that the jabs cause catastrophic damage to the body.
It is obvious that everyone who is still getting sick from “covid” is actually suffering adverse events from the injection itself. Many of us predicted this would happen and here we are watching it unfold in real time.
The plan all along was to scare everyone into getting injected, and once the vaccine side effects kicked in, to then blame those on new “variants” that required more lockdowns, masks and vaccines.
It will become a never-ending cycle of tyranny, injections and fearmongering, as long as people accept it. Hopefully Americans do not allow what is currently happening in Israel to once again happen here.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are already well over 10,000 “breakthrough” cases of the Chinese Virus that have been documented across 46 states and territories, all resulting from post-injection side effects.
Try as they might to continue blaming all the sickness on invisible floating virus variants, the truth of the matter is that every new “wave” of disease is a product of the jabs.
“They won’t be satisfied until they complete the global reset and usher in the one world order with the satanic antichrist,” wrote one commenter at The Epoch Times, speculating as to the true purpose behind all this nonsense. “Believers: get ready to meet in the air.”
“Why on God’s green earth would anyone allow themselves to be injected with an experimental biologic agent/gene manipulation when there are safe and effective treatments for covid-19,” asked another.
“The spike protein is toxic and after being injected, your cells are churning them out by the millions and they are traveling to numerous other locations in your body. If you don’t die soon after being jabbed, expect to suffer the effects in the months and years ahead.”
The latest news about Chinese Virus tyranny can be found at