USA: Disturbing video shows teens beating pregnant (white?) mom, kicking toddler – My Comments

[I was looking at this film footage. The woman being kicked definitely looks white. But is she pure white or rather some type of hispanic? Thoughts anyone? On the whole it does indeed look like a nasty, nasty racial attack I must say. I saw the mother of the black boy said that her son does not kick people and "that it was an accident" … well the film footage does not show that. He was very busy doing his thing. This, white people, is what happens if you leave the Jews and non-whites to do things their way. It just gets worse and worse. And, as I've said, give the blacks a chance, and they will enjoy hurting us or killing us. Do NOT fall for the guilt trip. Its all BOGUS. Don't feel sorry for anything. Don't apologise for anything our forefathers did. At the source link below is the video footage.  Jan]

A group of teens pummeled a pregnant Illinois mom — and even drop-kicked her helpless tot — during a caught-on-video brawl, according to footage and reports.

The disturbing confrontation circulating on Twitter showed two young women attacking the woman as she stood with her young daughter outside a home Friday in the village of Brooklyn.

Two of the girls are seen in the footage attacking the woman, pulling her hair and pushing her to the ground.

A third girl filmed the attack on the mom, who is pregnant, The Sun reported.

As the group clobbered the mom, a teen boy suddenly ran over and kicked the toddler in the head, the report said.

He then proceeded to stomp on the mother’s head, as she struggled on the ground.

The mom of the teen boy defended him on her Facebook, claiming the tot kick was an “accident,” the Mirror reported.

“He didn’t try 2 kick that baby he tried 2 jump over the baby on to her and made a mistake…as y’all can see the baby ran from under the girl fighting while he was coming down,” said the mom, who was not identified in the report.

“My kid is not that type 2 kick a baby…accident [sic] happen.”

Brooklyn police said they responded to a “disturbance” involving both adults and minors Friday at the Thomas Terrance Apartments.

They were able to speak to a female victim, who had suffered a minor head injury and was able to identify her assailants.

The accused attackers’ names have not been released pending charges.

Police said they are actively investigating and the case will be referred to the St. Clair County State’s Attorney’s Office.


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