#BS#US: Fantastic News: The BEST SOLDIERS are no longer in the military… Ex-NAVY Seal speaks
#BS#[Whites, we in South Africa have been driven out from everything, and all that is left is for them to drive us from our homes and farms. But my view in the long term is this: What happens when you drive the best people out of the system? What happens when you drive Whites, the builders of the system out of the system? Well, we Whites, being CREATORS (See Ben Klassen) … we just BUILD NEW STUFF. So the good news is this: Don't worry about the Generals and soldiers and cops who are being driven out of the system. These are the BEST PEOPLE … the most loyal, the ones who had wilder ideas and firmer ideas. These are the people who will be on our side. Here in South Africa I watch as Whites are kicked around like dirt. And they are smashing Whites in every industry and every profession. Now we even have this covid crap. Mark my words … the BEST PEOPLE will be on our side. THE WHITE REVOLUTION IS COMING! Don't be too worried about the fact that the enemy has stolen the military and the government. Everything can be taken back when the people are sick and tired and angry and rebellious. Here is a quick quote from Napoleon: You cannot start a revolution, and you cannot stop a revolution. We however can speed its arrival up by teaching our people. Then the revolution will come by itself. It will just explode by itself. Mark my words, it will be unstoppable. I strongly suspect that when it comes it will even comes very quickly from one Western nation to another. When I observe how we function, I think you'll be very surprised to see how things fall into place. THE ONLY THING TO DO: IS RED PILL WHITES AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE! 14/88. To quote Rockwell: After Black Revolution … comes WHITE REVOLUTION! It's coming for sure. No army will be able to stop it. Why? Because many inside the Police and the Army will themselves be a part of it. And if they get rid of people fast, then those people will be on our side. Don't fear this. No technology can stop you when there is a large enough mass of people who are determined to do things. Jan]
Here are some quotes from an ex US Navy seal:
4 Mar
This country is so corrupt that I’m insulted that I killed for it.
See new Tweets
4 Mar
This country is so corrupt that I’m insulted that I killed for it.
4 Mar
It’s sad that we veterans have come to this conclusion. It’s why I and others like @KurtSchlichter
would strongly persuade our kids NOT to serve in the military. It’s become a social experiment to serve corrupt leaders, not protect our freedoms. Example #1 – DC occupation.
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