US: Border Patrol Agents Apprehend 266,000 Migrants In Two Months

Border Patrol agents in five Texas-based sectors apprehended over 266,000 illegal immigrants in the first two months of the new fiscal year beginning October 1.

The El Paso Sector saw 106,561 migrants taken into custody and remains the busiest of the five sectors. The El Paso figure showed an increase of more than 260% from the 29,539 apprehended in the same period in 2021. According to Breitbart News, around 50,000 migrants are expected to have been apprehended in December.

Border agents apprehended 90,482 illegal immigrants in the Del Rio Sector in the first two months of the fiscal year. The figure represents a more than 50% increase from the 58,439 apprehended in the same period in 2021.

Chief Patrol Agent at the Del Rio Sector Jason D. Owens revealed that agents at the sector encountered four large groups totaling over 1,400 migrants in less than 24 hours.

“For our men & women, this is the norm and not the exception. The Del Rio Sector encounters several large groups every single day & does not include the “smaller” groups from 1 – 99,” Owens said.

However, two Texas-based sectors record a decrease in apprehensions during the same period. The Rio Grande Valley Sector recorded 56,118 migrant detainments, while the Big Bend Sector recorded 2,797 detainments.

The Rio Grande Valley Sector apprehended a large group of migrants totaling 399, according to Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez.

Reports also showed that 185,464 immigrants apprehended in the first two months were single adults, a 44% rise from last fiscal year. According to reports, family units and unaccompanied minors represented 61,856 and 19,018 apprehensions, respectively.

The new figures come after President Joe Biden’s administration moved to strike down Title 42, a Trump-era border policy that allowed border enforcement agents to expel illegal migrants swiftly.

Head of the National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd, told the New York Post that ending Title 42 would increase the number of people trying to enter the country illegally.

“Now that Title 42 goes away, we can expect that the Venezuelan population is going to go way back up there,” he said. “And every other population that we were exercising Title 42 on, we can expect a complete explosion.”


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