Tribute to the Father of Historical Revisionism: Prof Robert Faurisson – by Carolyn Yeager

[Never believe that in this age, that there are no heroes. There have been many heroes since the tragic days of WW2. Many white men have stood up for what is true and right in the face of hatred that Jews have fomented against them. We have had heroes living among us in this time when we thought none existed. I bet you that more and more heroes and heroines will arise from among our race as we fight this nightmare that has come down upon our race.

NB: Take note that Faurisson was physically attacked and assaulted by his enemies at least 10 times. He never deviated from the truth one bit. This is a real hero.

We must walk in their footsteps, and push on forward. Jan]

Sad, shocking news: Our beloved Robert Faurisson died today

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-10-21 20:57

By Carolyn Yeager

SUNDAY, OCT. 21 – THE NEARLY 90-YEAR OLD LEGENDARY HOLOCAUST REVISIONIST is reported to have died instantly from a heart attack as he entered his home in Vichy, France after flying home from attending a revisionist gathering in Shepperton, England. This report comes via email from Lady Michele Renouf who was at the meeting and who was informed of the death by R.F.’s brother.

We even have a video, made and uploaded by Vincent Reynouard, of the shamefully disrupted meeting in which Faurisson appears. So we are all privileged to see the great man in his last hours. As Lady Renouf signed off when sending the news – LONG LIVE FAURISSON. [A fuller written account of the day’s events can now be found at Heritage and Destiny.]

I’m sure we will all be redoubling our efforts at publicizing the falsity of this terrible hoax called “The Holocaust” in the wake of dear Professor Faurisson’s leave-taking to join the brave revisionists who have preceded him into the pantheon of heroes. We will never give up, we will never give in. The truth is ours.

A tribute to Robert Faurisson from his friend Guiseppe (Joe) Fallisi

I still have eyes that burn with tears and I can not fall asleep. Returning, a few hours ago, from the Bari airport I was given tremendous news: Robert Faurisson rose in the Elysian Fields. As soon as he returned to his home in Vichy, he collapsed to the ground, dead. His big heart had stopped beating. With other faithful friends we met yesterday afternoon in Shepperton, in a hotel, the Anchor Hotel, which will now go down in history for hosting the professor’s last conference and at the same time for demonstrating once again, in the person of his vile master (a ball of tallow and black bile), how much the intimidation of the politically correct, of the very laid Judaic dictatorship weighs on all Europe.* In that city [of Shepperton], Robert was born almost ninety years ago. Walking along he had confided to me, always lucid, equanimous and indomitable, but very, very tired, so minute and almost now diaphanous, to feel that his task had ended. In fact, this man, more than brave, all he had to do was to make a contribution to the immense revisionist cause. In addition to the judicial and moral harassment he had to undergo, he was more than ten times physically assaulted by the hateful enemies who wanted to prevent him from expressing himself, from living. He always knew how to resist and get up again, not deflecting a millimeter from the intrepid search for truth. One day he will be celebrated as a HERO of free thought. W ROBERT FAURISSON!

Thank you, Guiseppe. I apologize if my automatic translation from the Italian is not up to the quality of your writing.

Below is a photo taken Sunday of Faurisson, Renouf and Fallisi, labeled by Renouf as the last photo when Robert declared himself content and happy he had sung his swan song, full circle, having stated his life’s work and worth in the town of his birth.

Last photo of Robert Faurisson.


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