To Please The Jews and Deny Jesus Christ Pope Francis Restricts Latin Mass – My Comments

[I did a video quite a long time ago wherein I stated that the strong evidence is that the Pope is himself a crypto Jew and that secretly he may have converted to Judaism. He's a useless scumbag, really. Real Catholics detest him. Jan]

The Vatican announced that Pope Francis is further restricting the use of the Latin Mass — the standard form of the liturgy used for the last thousand years and favored by traditionalist Catholics — because it calls for the conversion of the Jews — and that until 2008 — also included an “antisemitic” reference to Jewish “blindness”:

Francis’ declaration on Friday is a repudiation of an earlier decree by his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who in 2007 made it easier to use the Latin Mass. At the time of that declaration, Jewish groups expressed concern because the Latin Mass recited on Good Friday included a “prayer for the Jews” that called for their conversion to Christianity and referred to the Jews’ “blindness.”

Jewish groups worried at the time that Benedict’s decision signified a retreat from the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, which declared in a 1965 document known as “Nostra Aetate” that the Jews were not guilty of killing Jesus, and condemned antisemitism. Accusations that the Jews killed Jesus have long motivated antisemitic attacks.

In 2008, Benedict reaffirmed his commitment to Nostra Aetate and omitted the word “blindness” from the Good Friday prayer.

Francis said he was restricting use of the Latin Mass out of concern that those who favor it also reject Vatican II, according to the Associated Press. Vatican II made a number of sweeping changes to Catholic ritual and practice — including allowing for Mass to be recited in the vernacular. A faction of Catholics who split from the Church over Vatican II had continued reciting the Latin Mass before Benedict’s declaration.

Now in order to use the Latin Mass, priests must get permission from their local bishop, who must also make sure that those using the Latin Mass accept Vatican II.

Basically, the Catholic Church has made a special anti-Christ dispensation for Jews — completely nullifying Christ’s plain statement in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

In 2015, Pope Francis stated, “Although Jews cannot believe in Jesus Christ as the universal redeemer, they have a part in salvation, because the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”

Interesting choice of words — “cannot believe in Jesus Christ” — as opposed to do not believe in Jesus Christ — which suggest a truth about Jews — that their ingroup identity and cohesiveness is predicated upon being in active, open rebellion against the truth of God though Jesus Christ.

And it is that active rebellion against Christ and His people that creates all so-called “antisemitism” — and the World Jewish Congress openly admitted that antisemitism is necessary for them to have a group identity — without it, they would cease to be a people.

Without that rebellion against Christ — and the resultant “antisemitism” — Jews and their enormous power would evaporate — and so their obsession with ridding the world of antisemitism actually goes against their own interests.

Pope Francis also exonerated the Jews from killing Jesus Christ — reaffirming the fundamental purpose of Vatican II’s liberal agenda.

Of course, since by their own admission today’s Jews are not Israelites, they did not technically kill Jesus Christ — although through their ongoing rejection of Christ, they attempt to kill Him and His followers as an imperative that is fundamental to their ersatz identity as Jews.


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