The JEW Karl Marx and Satanism
Questions raised about modern communism
I have just returned from a ministry trip in Estonia, a small country that was once part of the Soviet bloc. We have been visiting this country for many years and at every occasion we have been seeing the hand of the Lord on the meetings we hold there. The problem is that the number of Christians in that whole country are about the number who recently attended the Karoo Mighty Men Conference in Middleburg. This country with a population of 1.3 million has only 1 percent Christian penetration.
Many of its citizens are proud of their country being known as the most irreligious country in the world. Church buildings have been turned into cultural centres and when I walk through the capital city I see more strip clubs and liquor establishments than I do functioning churches. Members of the active Christian community, which consists largely of elderly people, are passionate about God and they come to our meetings wherever we minister in that country.
When we went for lunch one Sunday afternoon and to celebrate with one brother whose birthday it was, I asked if he had any English books amongst his collection of Christian titles. He only had two books that were in English and my eyes immediately fell on one that was titled, Marx and Satan. This book is written by Richard Wurmbrand and in it he shows that Karl Marx, the father of the communist ideology was a Satanist.
The author makes this claim based on Marx’s own writings and the testimonies of those who interacted with him. I was intrigued by this book and the many things it revealed. For instance the author quotes one of Marx’s poems to prove the point that his issue was with God and not religion. I quote from the book, “I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above” – So he was convinced that there in One who rules above, but was quarrelling with Him” (5:1989)
This book was published in 1986 and was so well received in the communist world it ended up being translated into Russian, Chinese, Romanian, German, Slovak, and other languages. The author reveals that Karl Marx’s social activism and concern for the poor was a façade. He shows him to be someone who couldn’t cared less for the wellbeing of others except his own. He had a dysfunctional family and his youngest daughter committed suicide after discovering that her romantic partner had secretly married somebody else.
The reason why I make mention of this book is because of the closed nature of communist countries to the gospel. If communism was just an economic ideology why is it so antagonistic to Christianity? It is not like the Christian faith promotes crass materialism and selfishness.The Bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive and the Bible has a social and a wealth distribution plan bar none. Is communism a satanic ideology because only the devil stands to gain in people not knowing God?
If communism is satanic and Karl Marx was truly a devil worshipper, what does this say of present day communists and those who are disciples of Marxism? There are many Christians who are also followers of Karl Marx and consider some of his ideas to be closely aligned to those of Christ. There is a Karl Marx drama that Wurmbrand makes mention of in his book. It is called Oulanem and Wurmbrand believes its name is an inversion and an anagram of Emmanuel, Jesus’ Biblical name.
Inverting the Bible and the truth of God is one of practices that Satanist engage in. A disturbing excerpt from this drama reads: “See this world? The Prince of darkness sold it to me.” We know that the prince of darkness is a reference to the devil. You may think the connection I am trying to establish here is too much but perhaps you should get hold of the book and read it yourself. The reality is that even today the most dangerous place for Christians is in communist countries and that cannot be a coincidence.
It is true that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against unseen spiritual forces. Communism will fall and people who live under its veil will see the light of God.