The forgotten massive Jewish problem in France: The Dreyfus Affair – a type of Leo Frank problem
[This is a note I sent to a French lady who is a supporter. I remembered The Dreyfus Affair from my high school days of European history. And I never see anyone talking about the Dreyfus Affair. I'm not sure if perhaps someone has written about it. Perhaps one of our modern academics has written about it or one of our White Right websites has dug into it. If so, I'm trying to find more. But I began to wonder if the Dreyfus Affair is another instance of the Jew rats pulling the wool over the eyes of Whites. This was in the time long before Hitler. But I don't think Hitler ever mentioned it. I don't think. Anyhow I decided to take a peek at it and these were my initial observations. Jan]
I went through a whole book regarding the Dreyfus affair. I browsed through various chunks of it quickly to see what sense, if any that I can make of it.
My impression of it is that Jews went on a MASSIVE OFFENSIVE against the French to prove to the White French that THEY ARE WRONG!
It has shades of Leo Frank, from the USA in it. Definitely. It looks to me as if Jews were swarming around the whole Dreyfus affair, using, "Jewish Tactics" if you will. Where the Jews were swarming around this topic because this topic seems to have had the FRENCH EXTREMELY ANGRY. That’s the sense I get from this. There are some tell-tale signs here that suggest to me that Jews from across France were rushing in, like with Leo Frank in America to SAVE DREYFUS. The Jew Dreyfus was already in JAIL. And it seems the Jews were ever trying to have him bust out of jail! Then another weird thing is that extremely high ranking people in France, one man in particular, was busy dealing with the Dreyfus thing at a high level even though everything had been said and done. Also another tell tale sign of JEWS AT WORK: Can you believe between 500 and 600 books were written about the Dreyfus Affair!!! The Dreyfus Affair definitely seemed to split the French in two – which we can translate as: Real French versus Dumb French who were listening to Jews. I can’t exactly tell you how the Jews fudged things. I don’t know enough details. But the Jews must have been very hard at work because in the end it seems to be as if everything hinges on a signature. According to the Jews Dreyfus was just innocent and the French Military jumped to conclusions. But the INTENSITY of strange activity around the Dreyfus Affair definitely smells of Jewish rats. Jews were definitely very intensively active. And they were definitely intent on using every method to save the Jew Dreyfus. But what I can’t say with certainty is whether Dreyfus really was innocent. I’d need to look more closely at it later. But DEFINITELY huge Jewish activity to drive the French away from "anti-semitism". Oh yes, and another very weird thing. This is the first time I’ve seen an intensive set of arguments based on "anti-semitism" as a DEFENCE. The Jews were going on and on about anti-semitism being the problem, anti-semitism anti-semitism…
Would the French Military really grab an "innocent Jew" and throw him in jail for spying when he didn’t spy? I find that hard to believe. Spying and selling secrets to Germany was a HUGE DEAL. Why wouldn’t the French military want to find the REAL TRAITOR? That would be VERY IMPORTANT. So it smells very Jewy to me, to claim that the French Military were just a bunch of biased idiots who grabbed a guy, BECAUSE HE IS A JEW and then threw him into jail and went about their business as usual. NO. That does NOT SOUND RIGHT. Whites are NEVER that superficial. Especially not the military.
Of course, money changing hands, and all kinds of other political manoevres behind the scenes are not mentioned, but when I look at this, I think that could have played a role. Jews most likely found a couple of White dummies who were Jew loving fools, and then they used them to go and "fight for right". But Jews were behind them.
Also, I think there was even mention of the French government and how much "Rothschild" helped them at one point.
I think this was a huge issue actually. It would need some serious digging. Perhaps the place to start is to look at the original accusations and data against the Jew Dreyfus. But this thing smells a lot like Leo Frank and Mary Phagan in America where the Jews come out of their holes from every angle and they work to "prove" that Leo Frank is "innocent".
We just need more actual data. I might even have it, but I need to make the time to look more closely.
Just generally, I learned a bit more about the French Revolution and Jews before and after the time of Napoleon. It seems as if there was quite a colony of Jews in France who might even have been "African" (perhaps North African) who lived long in France and REFUSED TO assimilate. My own thinking is that Jews should be thrown out of every Western country if they DARE NOT TO ASSIMILATE. I think ALL Whites have made a BIG MISTAKE by letting Jews get away on this point. This is not the true solution of course, but a point that Whites could dig their heels in on as a political angle even in modern times. Jews always form a state within a state and you can see that in France. And there was also talk of FREEMASONRY in France. Hitler was right: All these secret societies need to go. You CANNOT have them in a White state. Secret societies should be illegal. Anyhow, those are my first impressions. I think it is a fruitful area for future investigation. If I get time, I’ll dig a bit more later.
But this smells of Leo Frank for sure – maybe even on a bigger scale.
But what is fascinating is how Jews come crawling out of their Jew rat holes and they then start messing with the internals of the body politic. That’s fascinating. Jews build power structures inside White nations. And then when Jews ring the alarm bells, then the Jew rats go to work changing "the mind of the Whites". And next thing you know the Whites are saying: Yeah, we were wrong, we were wrong…" When in fact the Whites were RIGHT all along.