The EVIL JEWISH SPLC: Not all Hate is Equal – It stops monitoring Black hate groups

[This is from another American website a while back. Notice the Jewish hypocrisy as usual. Jan]

Apparently all hate isn’t equal.

Stops Monitoring Black Hate Groups Because of ‘Equity’

D. Greenfield – Frontpage Mag

The Southern Poverty Law Center claims it’s dedicated to fighting hate. But some things are more important than fighting hate. Like “equity”. In the name of equity, the SPLC announced that it’s shutting down its black nationalist hate groups category like the Nation of Islam. After “doing the internal work of anti-racism”, the SPLC will no longer list black racist hate groups because “the hate is not equal”. Even racism requires its own equity. The SPLC’s move dismantles the last remaining shred of credibility of the organization … Activists had targeted the SPLC because, despite its bias, untrustworthiness, and sloppiness, its listings are widely used by law enforcement and by internet platforms deciding what qualifies as a hate group.

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