Statistics: Evidence Of Election Fraud-WI-MI-PA- Trump ReElected with 278 Electoral Votes

[An American I know sent me this. It seems folks are working on this election fraud. This gives me a bit of hope. Jan]

Attachments7:09 AM (10 minutes ago)

Notorious Deplorables

Patriot News Alert is projecting that President Trump has been ReElected with 278 Electoral Votes

Election Fraud in WI – MI – PA and many other places GA-AZ-NV-NC Election Fraud LawSuits for ReCounts are being filed. Proof of being a registered voter will be required or the ballots will be disregarded. In these states, the number of votes cast exceeded the number of registered voters and the voter turnout was over 90% in the inner cities. Can We Spell : ELECTION FRAUD !

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