Reuben lies with Bilhah, his father's concubine (Gen 35:22). Potiphar's wife tries to seduce Joseph (Gen 39). Onan spills his seed on the ground rather than impregnate his sister-in-law (Gen 38:8-10). Rules for the Israelites how they should bury their shit so that God doesn't have to see it (Deut 23:12-14) . Use of word "whore" (passim, e.g. Judges 19:2). ".. any that pisseth against the wall" (1 Sam 25:22, 34). David will be "base" and "vile" (2 Sam 6:22). Isaac has sex with his wife in public (Gen 26:8). David exposes himself in public (2 Sam 6:20-22). Absalom has sex with David's concubines so that all can see (2 Sam 16:20-22). God will punish David by giving his wives to another to enjoy in public view (2 Sam 12:11-12). Ruth seduces Boaz (Ruth 3). Samson accuses his companions of having "plowed with [his] heifer" when they learn his secret from his wife (Judg 14:18). Gory description of Ehud's stabbing of Eglon (Judg 3:21-22, 24). Erotic love with your wife: nourishing breasts, ravishing love (Prov 5:18-19). A dog turns to his own vomit (Prov 26:11, 2 Pet 2:22). Hanun's humiliation of David's servants, sending them home with bare buttocks (2 Sam 10:4). Rabshakeh's words to Hezekiah's representatives: "Hath [my
master] not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?" (Isa 36:12). Wicked whoredoms of Aholah and Aholibah are described, with explicit references to breast massage, the large size of penises ("like donkeys") and the abundance of the male ejaculate ("like horses"). Ezek 23, esp v 3, 8, 17-21. God will "spread dung upon your faces" (Mal 2:3). God will punish Nineveh by casting "abominable filth on her" (Nahum 3:6). Rehoboam boasts that his little finger is thicker than his father's penis (2 Chron 10:10). God will punish Jerusalem by making them eat barley cakes made with human dung, except God gives Ezekiel cow dung for bread instead (Ezek 4:12-15). Song of Songs, an erotic love poem. 


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