S.Africa: Violent July 2021, mass riots & burning & looting … sparked a new brain drain from SA

[I knew a British guy, ex-Royal NAVY who fled from South Africa as a direct result of this. This junk diverse nation is not a thing we Whites can remain in. We need to chart our own course out of here. Jan]

Exodus reached a new peak after violence and looting in KZN and Gauteng

16 January 2022 – 00:03 By SUTHENTIRA GOVENDER and NIVASHNI NAIR

The unrest that gripped KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng last year became a catalyst for young South Africans who have been sitting on the fence about packing for proverbial Perth.

While the brain drain from SA is not a new phenomenon, the sociopolitical environment — disillusionment with the government, high unemployment, crime and load-shedding — has propelled many to leave for mainly the UK, EU countries, Australia and New Zealand, say relocation experts, researchers and professional bodies…

This is a paid article. Here is the source: https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/news/2022-01-16-july-unrest-sparked-a-new-brain-drain-from-sa/

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