Replying to someone in insanely Liberal New Zealand…

[This is a reply I wrote to someone who contacted me from New Zealand. Jan]

I wrote:

It’s nice to hear from someone in NZ. It’s rare but I’ve heard from one or two other people in recent years. I’d love to hear what you think about that Prime Minister of yours and how things are there. Some SA co-workers of mine went to NZ a few years ago. As Whites run to the next destination hoping they can be saved … but this nonsense comes to all White countries WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

Did you see the video I published some years ago about the Maoris in NZ who have proven DNA going back to Britain and who arrived there 2,000 years ago? There seems to be a MASSIVE EFFORT underway in NZ to hide critical archaeological and scientific facts that could benefit Whites to the point of destroying physical history in NZ?

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