Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern – is a Jew-loving, Israel-loving, Communist Mormon

[One of my American friends sent me a note about this witch who runs New Zealand. She is an insane Liberal. I have been most irritated with the entire Jewish mass media of the world being in love with her, and I wondered what the reality could be. This is what I found out. Jan]

My American friend wrote this to me:

N.Z. PM, Jacinda Ardern, is a Mormon… Mormons think that they are a "lost tribe of Israel"… and get along famously with JEWS.

In Wikipedia, it confirms this, and it turns out her Aunt was a Leftist, perhaps a Marxist type, and Jacinda thus is a "Socialist" … which, without the National part, means she’s a Communist Socialist. She’s basically a leftist commie … and Israel-loving commie. The Mormons can be very corrupt. I remember a friend in the USA telling me of all the shenanigans of Harry Reid in Nevada. My friend in Nevada used to say that Harry Reid never won an election … Yet he was always in charge of Nevada. She hated him and she knew her politics backwards.

This is what wikipedia says:

Born in Hamilton, New Zealand,[13] Ardern grew up as a Mormon[14][15] in Morrinsville and Murupara, where her father, Ross Ardern, worked as a police officer,[16] and her mother, Laurell Ardern (née Bottomley), worked as a school catering assistant.[17][18] She studied at Morrinsville College,[19] where she was the student representative on the school’s Board of Trustees.[20] Whilst still at school she found her first job, working at a local fish-and-chip shop.[21] She then attended the University of Waikato, graduating in 2001 with a Bachelor of Communication Studies (BCS) in politics and public relations.[22]

Ardern was brought into politics by her aunt, Marie Ardern, a longstanding member of the Labour Party, who recruited the teenaged Ardern to help her with campaigning for New Plymouth MP Harry Duynhoven during his re-election campaign at the 1999 general election.[23]

Ardern joined the Labour Party at the age of 17,[24] and became a senior figure in the Young Labour sector of the party. After graduating from university, she spent time working in the offices of Phil Goff and of Helen Clark as a researcher. After a period of time in New York City, where she volunteered at a soup kitchen[25] and worked on a workers’ rights campaign,[26] Ardern moved to London where she became a senior policy adviser in an 80-person policy unit of then-British prime minister Tony Blair.[4] She did not meet Blair in London, but she did question him about the invasion of Iraq at an event in New Zealand in 2011.[27] Ardern was also seconded to the Home Office to help with a review of policing in England and Wales.[22]

In early 2008, Ardern was elected as the president of the International Union of Socialist Youth,[5] a role which saw her spend time in several countries, including Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China.[22]


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