Photos: Black Lives Matter In Charge of Canada’s Medical Profession – My Comments
[Shocking stuff from Canada that Paul Fromm sent me. This also shows the weakness of the West, but it seems to especially be a North American problem with the whites of the USA and Canada being unable to stand firm on anything. I suspect the real issues at work have to do with economics and international trade. That is what weakens these white countries, which would otherwise be powerhouses. Jan]
Black Lives Matter In Charge of Canada’s Medical Profession
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In response to the looting and destruction of historical statues and beating of numerous whites, the University of Toronto rushed to accept 24 African medical students — the most in Canadian history |
The Canadian health care establishment is now under the complete control of physicians committed to the principles and policies of Black Lives Matter (BLM). Their ultimate goal is to transform Canada’s long established Western-oriented medical practices in favor of a cultural Marxist conception that suits the racial diversification of the profession, elevates the standing of brown immigrant physicians and marginalizes the very White male population that brought all the medical innovations of the last two centuries and that continues to accomplish the most in medicine.
The ideological power of BLM did not come out of thin air but was prepared and promoted from the top down by the elitist Canadian Medical Association (CMA) and by prestigious Faculties of Medicine across Canada. Over the last few years the CMA and the Faculties of Medicine have been:
- redesigning medical education to include training in "Intersecting Marginalization: Race, Sexuality, Gender Identity and Disability"
- persuading medical schools across Canada to overhaul selection criteria "to shape incoming classes by offering advantages to applicants from certain demographic groups".
- soliciting and enticing foreign medical students from third rate universities to acquire citizenship and practice medicine in Canada
- policing the politics of doctors who do not ascribe to the basic tenets of cultural Marxism and Black Lives Matter.
Female Caring and "Visible Minority Status" Must Replace White Male Knowledge
A nation-wide program is already well set to play down scientific credentials and knowledge in the admissions criteria and curricula of medical schools in favor of "true social and cultural competency…developed through increased diversity of the physician workforce itself". Relying heavily on race and gender as the key criteria for admissions and for hiring is now prevalent. Validating the medical credentials of Africans and Asians educated in highly inferior Third World medical schools is now accepted policy in Canada.
You would think this could only happen in low quality sociology departments and women’s studies: CMA is now promoting an "anti-oppressive medical education" with the aim of emphasizing "the social determinants of health and health advocacy". In a paper released in 2018, "Addressing gender equity and diversity in Canada’s medical profession: A review," the CMA distinctly states that the traditional emphasis on a scientific "formal curricula" is "often inadequate in examining how power and privilege are reinforced through health care policies and practice".
Even though the CMA acknowledged that 54% of physicians in Canada under age 40 are currently women (2018), and that "it is projected that the physician pool will be evenly split among women and men by 2030", it goes on to say that "discrimination and bias at the individual and systemic levels continue to create barriers to the advancement, health and livelihood of females."
With mostly anecdotal evidence and research produced by hard core feminists, it claims that "sexual harassment, leadership inequity, pay inequity" are pervasive in the medical profession. Without considering whether White males produce the best research, obtain the highest grades, and work the longest hours (all of which are true), this study assumes that females and minorities are suffering systemic racism. It even blames White men for the fact that women have "reported significantly higher rates of depression, and burnout than men" as well as "binge drinking".
The study holds men at fault for the fact that "women work 11 fewer hours per week, on average, to accommodate household responsibilities while men’s work hours do not significantly differ". By the same token, however, this study portrays female physicians as inherently more caring because they "spend about 10% longer with patients…focus on preventive medicine more often than their male colleagues, allowing for earlier detection of and intervention for conditions."
Men are "sexist" and traditionally incapable of adapting to current realities, whereas "women have the potential to be disruptors within the medical profession, as evidenced by the womenled push for greater work–life integration and the implementation of reforms that enhance the integration of care through multidisciplinary teams".
The Globe & Mail reported last year that "in a push for diversity, medical schools are overhauling how they select Canada’s future doctors". They are implementing affirmative action to increase admission of "minorities" by "offering advantages to applicants from certain demographic groups". These advantages are all about using subjective criteria for admissions, asking applicants to talk about their "visible minority status, sexual orientation, involvement with the child-welfare system and living with family members who suffer from addiction."
Meanwhile, as medical schools emphasize racial criteria in admissions and hiring, there is a movement to "abolish race in medicine," i.e., disregard the possibility that differences in physiology, pathophysiology and medical outcomes are due to biological differences and instead attribute them to social factors such as "racism" and "white supremacy".
Here is an article that was published the other day in New England Journal of Medicine, one of the "highest-impact journals of general medicine". This article acknowledges that "prominent geneticists have repeatedly called on physicians to take race seriously," but then goes on to warn physicians about "embedding race into the basic data and decisions of health care" on the grounds that this "race-based" medicine has the "potential to perpetuate or even amplify race-based health inequities."
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Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen welcomes immigrant doctors get their foreign medical credentials recognized. |
Yet, as the same time, the medical establishment is now regularly making "calls for race-based data collection" showing how "increased risk of certain types of chronic diseases, diabetes, cancer" including "higher coronavirus rates" are linked to race differentials in "income, access to education, food security". They claim there is "a strong association" "between high coronavirus rates and "visible minority status". If the race-based data can be used to blame Whites, and promote minority activism, then the data is not racist.
Medicine has now been co-opted for socio-political activism. Science will be tolerated as long as it does not conflict with political correctness. This is something that will cost us greatly in the future. Major stagnation will occur when those who are the most highly educated are no longer committed to advancing their field.
Systemic Anti-White Tweeting by "Minority" Physicians in Canada
In addition to all these radical changes, the medical establishment is importing masses of doctors and students from the Third World, with Nigeria as a key source, educated at medical schools with far lower standards. Would you believe it that the Canadian government, your government, actively recruits, with a full program and special offers, Nigerian students interested in medicine? These students are dearly needed in their nations, but the Canadian diversity establishment believes they have a moral right to entice them to complete their degrees in Canada.
The other day, June 2, in response to the George Floyd protests against "anti-Black racism and police brutality," the U of T Faculty of Medicine announced that "24 Black Medical students" were accepted, "the most in Canadian history". The students accepted tend to be specializing in "the social determinants of health", the health of minority groups, and such subjects as why "Black American women are more likely than white women to get triple-negative breast cancer".
This sudden hiring of 24 Africans, however, was not enough for the Black Medical Students’ Association at U of T. They immediately tweeted that “more Black bodies in medical school means nothing if the toxic [white] culture around medicine doesn’t change as well.”
Take a look at the tweeter feed of the Black Medical Students’ Association at UofT? It is 100% activist politics full of blacks and brown immigrants continually tweeting against "soulless evil people" — as one of them characterized Whites. Most of the retweets in the last few days are from "Doctors for Defunding Police", which is the name of a twitter account of "a group of 50+ doctors living & working with Black and Indigenous communities who have come together to say ‘Enough is Enough’"
These PhD, Master’s students, and practicing physicians don’t hesitate to use foul language, "Fuck the police", "WHITE SUPREMACY IS A THREAT TO PUBLIC HEALTH", "a bunch of racist rich folks" — all the while celebrating their affirmative action achievements:
We’re so proud of our @AlbertaBMSA executive Anulika Nwakazae for winning the 1st place prize of the medical student essay award from the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society!
Twitter Profiles of Canada’s Physicians and Medical Students
It is hard to believe but it seems that all the immigrants and minorities hired through affirmative action are avid Black Lives Matter advocates. I will mention a few. Check "Seana Adams": Co-founder – Black Mental Health Speaker Series @UofTMedicine & Former Scholar [!] @McMasterForum. She brags about how she "rejected" an "offer to @MasseyCollege as a Junior Fellow because Globe & Mail journalist Margaret Wente is a senior fellow of this College and according to the impeccable research of this "scholar", Wente has "published racist pseudoscience on racial genetic differences". This is an absurd accusation since Wente happens to be a feminist who likes Canadian diversity though occasionally she questions the idiocy of the left.
Have a look at Saadia Sediq, MD. Psychiatry resident @UofT. Recent SM in Health Policy and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Fellowship at @HarvardChanSPH. All the tweets are about political activism and promotion of the policies of Black Lives Matter.
Here is Dr. Amina Jabbar Geriatric Medicine MD. Health Policy PhD Student @MacHPPhD. @progresstoronto Board Member. She is "looking for intersections between academia & activism." No medical issues are covered in the tweets, pure political activism against the white race.
How about the Somali Ahmed Ali? Research Assistant @McMasterForum| #HealthPolicy PhD Candidate| He has a pinned tweet stating "It’s a privilege to learn about racism instead of experiencing it your whole life." So why did he leave Somalia to experience racism in Canada all his life? Obviously he left because Somalis have been killing each other for decades and seem incapable of creating a functional nation. Wherever Somalis go, they recreate the violence and chaos they left behind.
Oluwatobi Olaiya is a Master’s student at Micheal G. DeGroote School of Medicine. He spells the name of his own school incorrectly! (Michael). Perhaps he should spend his time learning how to write instead of whining about "Anti-Black Racism in Medicine at McMaster University." He also misspells "deserve" writing that "Black women are magic and derserve to be celebrated." Hard to believe this is a medical student in a prestigious school. All his tweets are about black racial activism.
Would you, as a proud White person, trust any of these political activists to be your physician? The twitter profiles just exhibited are the new doctors taking over Canada’s health care institutions and medical schools. None of them have any achievements in the sciences, their fields are mostly in the sociology of health care.
Do these students know that White males are responsible for ALL the Top "groundbreaking" medical advances in history? Here’s a short list of the incredible medical inventions of White men:
Germ Theory
Blood Transfusion
Organ transplants
Antiseptic surgical methods
Antiviral drugs
CT Scans
Universities across Canada are now artificially naming African medical students as valedictorians of their class. The most famous case is that of Chika Oriuwa. Justin Trudeau recently tweeted about this grand historical event. Chika, a rap poetess on her spare time, was identified as a "leading Women in Science (2018)" after delivering a slam poem on racism. In her slam poetry video, she said "you would be remiss if you thought I would divorce myself from this African bloodline." But it looks like she forgot about her bloodline when she became engaged with the man of her dreams, a white guy.
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Dr Nanky Rai claims to be a "women of color" although she lacks all the colors of white women |
Perhaps the most egregious example of how Canada’s health care has fallen victim to anti-white political activism is Dr. Nanky Rai, a family physician from St. Michael’s Hospital registered with the College of Surgeons and Physicians of Ontario. Her expertise, if we can use this word, is "immigrant health justice" and "anti-oppressive clinical practice". Dr Rai claims that she came to Canada from India (Kashmir) in 1998. One of the reasons I wrote this article is that I have been in contact with two retired Canadian physicians, and this is what one of them said to me about Nanky Rai:
She would appear to have nothing but contempt for Canada and its White Christian European founder/settler people – the very same people who built this country and allowed her to come here in the first place – most likely as a refugee with her large family. Dr Rai is evidently a supporter of Black Lives Matter and has made public statements on twitter in support of entirely abolishing the police, erasing Canada’s national boarders, AND getting rid of all jails. Again, this is not some idealistic leftwing university student, but rather a PHYSICIAN in her 30s, who would easily be earning hundreds of thousands of dollars per year at the expense of the hardworking Canadian taxpayer.
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Rai tweeted a pic of the poorly researched books she reads – not a single one about medicine |
I have taken the liberty of enclosing a few screenshots of Dr Rai’s Twitter feed – one of which is a retweet – which in my opinion would appear to condone the violent and destructive riots taking place in the USA during the past few weeks. Dr Rai did not write this particular tweet – but she did
retweet it.
In my opinion, Dr Rai’s various tweets are most unbecoming and unprofessional for a physician to be making publicly – who is most likely earning a six figure salary at the taxpayer’s expense – by way of Canada’s single payer universal national healthcare system.
When White Canadians look at the demographic composition of our current and future healthcare providers as well as other professionals – and how many of them apparently think – is it any wonder that a growing number of us genuinely fear and dread our looming minority status – within the next 20 years or less.
I personally would NOT want my elderly parents to be cared for by a physician who – in my opinion – has a great deal of contempt towards White people and this country.
I would also invite you to thoroughly review Dr Rai’s tweeter feed – in case there is anything there I missed. Some of her offensive comments are her own – while others are presumably endorsed retweets.
She also would appear to take issue with ‘white saviours’ – which I believe is the Cultural Marxist reference to the notion that White people – such as physicians – should not step up and help others so noticeably – in other words she does resents White people being heroes. The level of anti-White hatred on the part of many of these people, especially those who could one day be my doctor – is truly frightening to me.
In my opinion, this is a glimpse of our future when we are a demographic minority, in North America and Europe.
Perhaps you could alert your readers on social media to this issue?
It is obvious from her social media presence that Nanky Rai has a deeply seated resentment against White people possibly because deep down she knows they gave her everything she has including the opportunity to become a relevant social justice "physician". She comes from India, the most racist nation in the world, where minute shadings in skin color determine one’s rank in the caste system, and where women spend tons of money buying skin whitening products. You can be sure she would never go back to India were half the population refuses to use the latrines the government built for them because they prefer defecating in public areas.
Meanwhile, as brown physicians brazenly attack Whites for their race, and promote the violent political radicalism of Black Lives Matter, White physicians who engage in minimal critical reflections about BLM, and leftist views generally, are summarily suspended and their licenses revoked. Of course, almost every White physician remains silent or goes along with the destruction of Canada’s beautiful heritage. But the very few who raise questions end up getting their licenses suspended as happened a few weeks ago to Dr. Zachary Kuehner. He first came under fire when some undergraduate students at Memorial University’s medical school denounced a few mild comments he’d made on social media against the Black Lives Matter movement. This was followed by condemnations from his colleagues and a letter of complaint from a group called Canadian Women in Medicine, leading to the "deactivation" of his medical license.
This is the sickening world of medicine we are living in right now.