Photo: German police find Nazi altar in drunk man’s apartment – My Comments

[One of my supporters found this story. What makes me very sad is that this German was drunk and he phoned the authorities. Perhaps he was sad or depressed. That seems to be what happened. But the man had an altar to the NAZIs … and that's the sad part. Regardless of why he called them, this is Germany … and NAZIS are not allowed. Germans are not allowed to be German. So the poor man then got into trouble because he owned weapons, etc. It's so sad and disgusting. Clearly, his drunken state and crooked thinking messed things up for him. Sad. He was doing everything right. He just had to keep the freaking Jew-controlled state away from his home. Here in South Africa, I once saw a similar little altar at the home of an old German lady. She didn't have weapons like this. But she had a lovely little altar, with photos and beautiful paintings. It's a wonderful idea. That is how Hitler and his people should be remembered. What is really sad for this poor German man, is that now that the disgusting Jew-controlled authorities have access to his home they will do their utmost to lay all kinds of charges against him even though he never committed a crime! That is so sad! Jan]

The American who found this story sent these comments, which I agree with:

NOTE: They use the jew invented derogatory trigger word NAZI.

All whites should have one in their home also. He should be given the Iron Cross.

Here’s the full story:-

A call from a drunk man led police in eastern Germany to discover a Nazi ‘altar’, featuring photos of Adolf Hitler, along with an impressive cache of weapons.
German police find Nazi altar in drunk man’s apartment
© Polizei Sachsen

On the evening of December 21, Glauchau police received a call from a 53-year-old “heavily drunk” German man who asked for help.

“Upon arrival, the officers did not find a helpless situation in the apartment, but they did find a larger arsenal of cutting weapons, stabbing weapons, and firearms. Particularly noteworthy was the altar-like decoration of the objects in the living room, together with portraits and symbols from the time of National Socialism,” Saxony police said in a statement.

The resident was taken to a hospital that evening. The next day, law enforcement conducted a proper search in the owner’s presence, with experts eventually confirming gun law violations. A few weapons were confiscated.

According to police, the owner, who does not have a record of similar offences, behaved “reasonably” and voluntarily gave up “the considerable number” of “non-criminally relevant items,” including Nazi memorabilia.

The investigation is ongoing.

Germany’s interior minister, Horst Seehofer, said earlier this year that far-right extremism and anti-Semitism remain key security challenges to the country, with the number of people with extremist views constantly rising; 23,604 criminal offenses related to far-right views were recorded in 2020, which is up by more than 5% than in 2019, and is the highest figure since 2001, when records started. Seehofer said these numbers demonstrate a “brutalization” of society.


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