Mike Adams of Brighteon a big cry baby with the dumb Chinese Balloon… we’re all gonna die…

I used to think highly of Brighteon when I had a few videos on there, but Mike Adams began censoring things. So that switched me off. I was never again allowed to post there.

Mike Adams is such an endless crybaby over just about everything. He’s constantly putting out news that makes you think WW3 is around the corner. I think he buys too much into the Jewish End Times crap. And so every little damned thing is something to FREAK OUT over. This silly Chinese spy balloon is now something he’s whining about. He’s saying it could have an EMP device on it, blah blah. Crikey. I wish he’d get some control of himself and stop blabbering on like this. Get a grip on yourself man. The Military and Intelligence people play these naughty games all the time. He clearly has no grasp of how military people even think.

I get annoyed with endless whining over nothing. No, we’re not all going to die.

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