Matt Hale’s Prison address in the USA…

This is where you can write to, for Matt Hale, however, be very careful what you put in the letter or it will be rejected.

Matthew F. Hale 15177-424
USP Florence ADMAX
P.O. BOX 8500

Please Read THIS Document About The ADMax Mail Rules Before Sending Mail To Matt

Mail Tips:

  • Mail with any reference to the religion of Creativity, with reference to Matt having been the leader of the Church, or that may be construed as involving Matt in the goings on in The Struggle for White survival on the outside will be rejected and returned by the prison censors.
  • Don’t address Matt with the title “Reverend.”   They don’t seem to like that.    “Brother Hale or just Matt” seems to get through for now.

My favourite Matt Hale pics – the one on the top and this one. That’s the real reason why he is in jail. They put him away because he was going to win over whites and he was clever… so Jews had to find a cheap trick to get him in jail:


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