MATT HALE BAD NEWS: Denial of Matt’s Movement to Reconsider
[This just came in from Branden Hall. Matt is fighting on and on. I wish we could have done more. But this is not easy. Jan]
Dear Supporters,
If you’ve been following the ongoing Civil Rights Case involving Matt’s rights to freely practice our religion of Creativity in federal prison by being allowed to mention Creativity in his mail, you know that Matt’s lawsuit brought in the Tenth Circuit Court when he was at Florence, Colorado was unsuccessful, unfortunately. When Matt brought similar allegations of illegal censure of his mail while at Marion, Illinois, and filed his lawsuit in the District of Columbia, the judge recently ruled that Matt’s claims of censure made on religious grounds were already decided in the Tenth Circuit’s ruling and, hence, precluded these particular claims from being brought again. Matt, in a motion to reconsider the ruling, tried to argue that the previous ruling did not involve the censure on strictly religious grounds but this motion to reconsider was also denied in an order dated 11/9/2022, as you can read on the attached order.
Matt is now working on the surviving counts of the Civil Rights Case involving the illegal censure of his correspondence such as that of the books he has authored in prison which have been withheld.
Free Matt Hale!