Mainstream news report on Alfred & Monika Schaefer’s Trial – My Analysis of Critically Important Points
[This is the latest news report on Alfred and Monika’s trial. This is just a few hours old. I’ve not had proper updates since Tuesday. I’m waiting for a proper update. But there are some really interesting things in here if you will look closely.
Notice how little information they put forward and what they leave out. They mention Alfred giving the NAZI salute 3 times on Monday. What they do NOT mention is Alfred saying that he does not regard the current Govt of Germany as being legitimate and that the only legitimate Govt of Germany is the Third Reich. This is utterly true and Horst Mahler, Sylvia Stolz’s brave husband who is back in jail (and had his leg amputated I might add due to suffering from prison time), is the expert on this matter. I’ve spoken to a German friend who has studied this and he assures me that this is correct. It is completely right that technically the Third Reich is still the only official and legal Govt of Germany. It has to do with the way the surrender was conducted. None of this critical stuff that Alfred mentioned in court is mentioned in the mainstream article.
They pretend that this is not important because not many reporters are there, and few people are there. But remember that what goes on in a court of law is important, regardless of whether there are 3 people there or 300 in the gallery. The weight is the same. The law is the law.
Take special note of the “Sparse Media Coverage” paragraph below, pertaining to the sparse media coverage IN GERMANY. In part it reads: “
“Some of them think that if you cover it too much, you will just promote it. They don’t want to promote it,” she said. “It’s sort of a mixture. We have to talk about it, but we don’t want to talk too much about it.”
While Wild said denying the Holocaust in public is rare in Germany, it is a criminal offence. She said there are approximately 250 Holocaust deniers currently imprisoned in Germany.”
In the above, note the section I made bold. If you cover it too much … YOU WILL JUST PROMOTE IT! Now why is that possible? Unless it means that there’s some truth that will spread. This to me is critical. It shows that they FEAR that this would spread inside Germany! Now that for me, is utterly critically important. They do not want Germans to know that there are so many holocaust deniers. The article says 250 are in jail currently. But I think over the years, thousands at least have been put in prison. I don’t know how many, but I think its a number much more massive than the 250 they quote for now.
I’m convinced that this “holocaust denial” truth would spread like wildfire in Germany, if it were told properly. But the Jews/Elite have to tread carefully and they fear this trial. Interestingly, it seems as if Monika is the one who could spend a longer time in jail than Alfred – probably because of the video and what she said in it.
I think, that all whites, must make every effort to help spread the truth to Germans – for a great many reasons! I think the Jews and Elite truly fear the Germans – even though the Germans would not get violent. I think we should spread this truth everywhere, but whenever you get a chance to get it to a German – DO SO. Its very important. We must do all we can, inside and outside Germany, to destroy this enormous Jewish hoax and lie. This lie is the basis for many many evil things against not only the Germans, but all whites. This lie, is one of many lies which collectively are used to break our race and to destroy not only our race but all the white nations of Europe. We must awaken our brothers and sisters. Jan]
Canadian Holocaust denier on trial in Germany for ‘incitement to hatred’
If Albertan Monika Schaefer is convicted, she faces up to five years in prison
Monika Schaefer and her brother, Alfred Schaefer, smile Monday at the outset of their trial for ‘incitement of hatred.’ (Anne Wild )
A Jasper, Alta., woman who denied the Holocaust in at least one video posted on YouTube is on trial at a criminal courthouse in Munich.
Monika Schaefer, 59, and her 63-year-old German-Canadian brother, Alfred Schaefer, who lives near Munich, are being tried together for Volksverhetzung, which officially translates in English from the German Criminal Code as “incitement to hatred,” said court spokesperson Florian Gliwitzky in an email to CBC News on Friday.
“Both are under suspicion, that they published video clips, in which they denied the genocide of Jews in the Holocaust during World War II,” Gliwitzky said.
The siblings’ trial began Monday this week and continued Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It is scheduled to continue July 12, 13 and 16.
If found guilty, the German sentence for the crime ranges from a fine up to five years in prison.
Imprisoned in Germany
Monika Schaefer gained notoriety in July 2016 after appearing in a YouTube video in which she described the Holocaust as the “biggest and most pernicious and persistent lie in all of history.” She expressed her view that six million Jewish people did not die at the hands of Nazi Germany.
At least one hate speech complaint was filed against her with the Alberta and Canadian human rights commissions. ?
Monika Schaefer denied the Holocaust ever happened in at least one video posted to YouTube. (Supplied)
B’nai Brith, a Canadian Jewish advocacy group, alerted an intermediary in Germany who then went to police about the video, said Aidan Fishman, a director with the organization. He said that when Schaefer visited the country, she would have been on their radar.
German freelance photojournalist Anne Wild, who contracts with organizations that monitor far-right organizations’ activity, recalled Monika Schaefer’s arrest in January at the trial of convicted German Holocaust denier, Sylvia Stolz. Since then, Monika Schaefer has been imprisoned in Germany.
‘An outrageous incident’
Wild, one of the accredited press representatives, attended the Schaefer siblings’ trial in a low-level criminal court for three days this week. She said it was the first time she has attended the trial of a foreigner for “incitement of hatred.”
Wild said the duo had about 15 supporters showing up on a regular basis.
“There was an incident right at the beginning that was really sort of horrible,” Wild said. “When Alfred Schaefer was brought into the room, and he was joined by his sister who was brought in, he showed the Nazi salute three times in a row. This is really an outrageous incident in the courtroom.
“His sister, she was laughing at it, she was laughing.”
- Hate speech complaint filed against Jasper woman for Holocaust denial video
- ?Alberta Holocaust denier reportedly arrested in Germany
Wild said Alfred Schaefer has been vocal throughout the trial so far, telling the court he appreciated sharing his views. Monika Schaefer has been quiet, only speaking when spoken to and smiling every so often at her supporters, she said.
Born in Canada of German heritage, Monika Schaefer described herself on her Facebook page as a self-employed violin instructor. She ran for the federal Green Party in Alberta’s Yellowhead riding in 2006, 2008 and 2011. She was ousted from the party after controversy over the video.
Sparse media coverage
Wild said there were only three journalists, including herself, in the courtroom. But these type of trials in Germany generally don’t get a lot of media attention, Wild said.
“Some of them think that if you cover it too much, you will just promote it. They don’t want to promote it,” she said. “It’s sort of a mixture. We have to talk about it, but we don’t want to talk too much about it.”
While Wild said denying the Holocaust in public is rare in Germany, it is a criminal offence. She said there are approximately 250 Holocaust deniers currently imprisoned in Germany. She photographed a June 30 protest against their imprisonment
A German sign at a June 30 protest against imprisoning Holocaust deniers translates in English as ‘free Monika Schaefer.’ (Anne Wild)
“Still there’s a community of several thousand people who are more or less openly convinced that the Holocaust is a lie,” Wild said.
But “there is a big discussion in Germany about what is opinion and what is a crime,” she added.