Lies that Jews are persecuted & abused: US: Trump signs $10 million Holocaust education bill into law – My Comments

[It sickens me to hear the cries of the persecution of the Jews. Here the Jewish scum are, bumming money off the US Govt in order to propagate their lies about the Germans to the world. This race of shit. Jan]

Federal funds to be issued over five years to bolster Holocaust awareness initiatives and resources

US President Donald Trump signed a $10 million Holocaust education bill Thursday into law after it cleared both chambers of Congress, winning bipartisan support.

The Never Again Education Act, initiated by Democratic New York Representative Carolyn Maloney, provides for expanded federal funding for US Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The $10 million, slated to be delivered over the next five years, will be allocated towards developing the Museum’s educational programs and initiatives aimed at raising Holocaust awareness.

These would include a website with course materials for teachers and a number of Holocaust awareness workshops across the country.

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The bill notes that "it is important to institutionalize education about the events of the Holocaust such as the German Nazis’ racist ideology, propaganda, and plan to lead a state to war and, with their collaborators, kill millions — including the systematic murder of 6,000,000 Jewish people."

Earlier this month, the Anti-Defamation League reported that 2019 saw the highest number of anti-Semitic incidents in the US on record, since 1979.

It registered a total of 2,107 instances of anti-Semitic abuse, including 61 physical attacks.

In a statement opening the Jewish American Heritage Month, President Trump also noted that Jews are still facing abuse and persecution today.


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