Letter: Black Lives Matter isn’t a benign group

[BLM are Jewish communists man. Communism… is at work. Right there, trying to overthrow or manipulate the US. Its linked to radical groups… that Jews played a part in. Jews, Jews are behind all the main non-white groups of trouble-makers in the USA, from the NAACP onwards.  Jan]

In the July 1 edition there was a discussion about the campus resource officer at an Ocean Beach School District (OBSD) meeting. Apparently there was an objection about an officer assigned on campus.

Board Member Tiffany Turner wondered “…in light of current situations if we at some point want to talk about having a policeman in our school?” The next line was a stunning revelation: “Turner is an organizer of local Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Long Beach and Seaview.”

Black Lives Matter (BLM), by its own explicit and public admission, is a Marxist, anti-traditional family organization which advocates the use of illegal violence in their quest for an American revolution. Here is background on just two BLM leaders: President of BLM Assata Olugbala Shakur, former Black Panther and Black Liberation Army member, was convicted in the 1973 murder of a New Jersey State Trooper. She escaped from prison in 1979 and now lives openly in Cuba. According to IRS filings, Susan Rosenberg handles all charitable donations for BLM. As a member of the Weather Underground, Rosenberg engaged in armed robberies and numerous bombings. One incident, the robbery of a Brink’s armored car in 1981, resulted in the murder of a Brink’s guard and two Police Officers. Rosenberg was the suspected getaway driver. She was later apprehended unloading 640 pounds of stolen explosives. In 1985 she was sentenced to 58 years in federal custody. On his last day in office, Bill Clinton pardoned Rosenberg.

BLM is not run by peaceful protesters. We need to fully educate ourselves on this issue. Board member Turner has direct influence over every school-aged child in the district. I would rather have a Long Beach Police officer in our schools than an organizer for BLM. A police officer has passed a full background investigation, graduated from a training academy, and has spent time in the community where literally everyday they put on their uniform and go to work and willing put their life on the line for the community. Maybe the community needs to have a discussion about Tiffany Turner.


Source: https://www.chinookobserver.com/opinion/letters/letter-black-lives-matter-isnt-a-benign-group/article_539c37c2-d90a-11ea-a6b1-bf005d47ce0e.html

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