Jews make TREASON FASHIONABLE… Biden, Hunter Biden, Clintons, etc…

With regard to Biden’s making $31 million out of various deals with the enemy of the USA, China, Hunter Biden, etc… I have mentioned in the past that JEWS make TREASON fashionable.

If you look around the world at all these White Traitors and also even Black Communists, etc – you’ll see one thing: They’re all busy stuffing their pockets with huge amounts of cash. Everyone is slurping at the trough of what the White man and woman has created, They’re lying, stealing and engaging in all kinds of anti-White favouritism. They’re shoving Whites out of positions of power and shoving in their pals who then set about stealing at the fastest possible pace. You’re seeing Nepotism and favouritism at it’s finest.

These people are abusing the highest positions of the Western world, undermining everything, stealing what they can, hobnobbing with the enemy, etc.

The Clintons were no different and the Clintons got away with virtually everything including murdering the White Christians at Waco – just burning them to death. I’ll bet that was something the (((Liberals))) were utterly delighted to see … Whites burned to bits… That must have been something the Jews were high fiving each other over! Dead White Americans!

Even the German bag of shit, the Polish Jewish Communist Merkel, who fakes it as a German … She and her husband will retire in South America. They’re getting away from the nation that she was instrumental in sinking.

All of this human garbage are against their own nations. One is a bigger traitor than the next. Words can’t describe what should really happen to these filth.

From New Zealand, to Europe and to Canada … you’ll see the anti-White Treasonous garbage in the highest positions of power.

True garbage. The European Race has never, in it’s history, been ruled by such treasonous garbage.

And behind and beside every one of them is a Jew.

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