Jewish lies about Democracy in danger: Jewish George Soros declares war on Supreme Court and GOP

[It is interesting that this Jewish dirt bag sees the internal politics of America as being a bigger threat to America than Russia and China! He equates voting inside America as being as dangerous as nuclear weapons. This is Jewish thinking. These Jews write from their personal points of view. In effect he is saying that mild, conservative Republicans are more of a threat to the USA than foreign super powers! Most of these Republicans are WHITES! These Jews are garbage. Their vision of America is not at all like what White Americans have in mind. This Jew needs to be sent packing to Israel. Jan]

On Independence Day, billionaire activist George Soros effectively declared war on the United States Supreme Court and the Republican Party.

"The American public has been alarmed and aroused by the US Supreme Court’s growing extremism," Soros wrote in a piece on his site Project Syndicate that was spotlighted by the Gateway Pundit.

"But voters need to recognize the Court’s radical majority for what it is: part of a carefully laid plan to turn the US into a repressive regime."

Meanwhile, violent crime has risen substantially in major cities with progressive district attorneys whose campaigns were bankrolled by Soros. Among the DAs is Kim Foxx of Cook County, Illinois, which has recorded more murders in this year than any year since 1994.

In his opinion piece, Soros charged that "democracy is now gravely endangered" and asserted "the threat to the US from the domestic enemies of democracy is even greater" than the threat from foreign enemies such as China and Russia.

The "domestic enemies," he said, include a Supreme Court "dominated by far-right extremists, and Donald Trump’s Republican Party, which placed those extremists on the Court."

Soros objected in particular to Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion in the Mississippi abortion case that overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

"There is only one way to rein in the Supreme Court: throw the Republican Party out of office in a landslide," Soros wrote.

He acknowledged it won’t be easy to defeat "the radicalized Republicans," who have "stacked the Supreme Court and many lower courts with extremist judges."

"In states such as Florida, Georgia, and Texas, they have enacted a raft of laws that make voting very difficult," he said, referring to election integrity laws such a requiring voter ID.

He claimed the objective is not to make sure that every vote counts, but "disenfranchising African-Americans, other minorities, and young voters generally" in an effort to win elections.

"We must do everything we can," he wrote, "to prevent" the Republicans from retaking the majority in Congress this November.

Source: WND

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