Is Biden padding his family’s pockets? President authorizes ANOTHER $1.3 billion in U.S. taxpayer ‘aid’ to Ukraine

[I would say it's almost an absolute certainty. The Jew Rat Zelensky is paying bribes. There is lots of criminal Jewy crap going on. The Bidens are garbage. The Biden family, are strictly speaking, outright traitors to America and should be punished as such. Jan]

The United States’ proxy war against Russia is continuing unabated, as our government leaders once again engage in a conflict none of them voted on or were authorized to enter by the American people.

But this time, naked financial ambition is part of what’s driving our involvement.

Joe Biden, who was installed as president by the deep state cabal by stealing President Donald Trump’s reelection victory, is not really running his regime. It’s being run in the shadows by point man Barack Obama who is essentially serving out a third term in violation of our Constitution. And while he has cashed in from his presidency, he is helping the Bidens cash in on Daddy Joe’s using taxpayer money to send “aid” to Ukraine, a country whose corrupt leaders have been known to send kickbacks to old man Joe via first son Hunter Biden.

CBS News reports:

Pres. Biden’s new $800 million military aid package to Ukraine includes:

– Heavy artillery weapons

– Dozens of howitzers

– 144,000 rounds of ammunition

– More tactical drones

The Associated Press adds:

Joe Biden pledged an additional $1.3 billion Thursday for new weapons and economic assistance to help Ukraine and he promised to seek additional funding from Congress to keep the guns, ammunition and cash flowing. The latest military aid, Biden said, will be sent “directly to the front lines of freedom.”

“Putin is banking on us losing interest,” Biden said. The Russian president is betting that “Western unity will crack and once again we’re going to prove him wrong.”

The new package … builds on roughly $2.6 billion in military assistance that Biden previously approved.

But here’s the kicker — or shall we say ‘kickback’: “There’s also a fresh $500 million in direct economic assistance to Ukraine for government salaries, pensions and other programs,” the AP reported.

American voters did not authorize this. Americans by and large may side with Ukraine (wrongly — neither one of these countries is ‘clean’ and corruption-free), but they did not grant our leaders permission to be sending over war materiel that we have paid for with our tax dollars to be used in a war that does not involve nor concern a single vital U.S. national security interest.

Worse, any member of Congress who speaks out about this unconstitutional Biden kickback scheme is being bullied into silence by being accused, like Trump falsely was, of being a dupe for Putin.

Mind you, not long ago Biden and Putin met and it was all smiles then; all of us a sudden, they’re mortal enemies with Biden suggesting stupid, illegal things like regime change in Russia when he claimed, “My God, this man cannot remain in power.”

There’s more. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is also setting the Bidens up for further largess, this time on the dime of taxpayers all over the world. He has said that with scores of buildings in his country destroyed along with major swaths of infrastructure, Ukraine “will need hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild.” Keep the kickbacks coming, Joe and Hunter say, keep them coming.

American voters cannot continue to elect the same people over and over again, year after year, decade after decade — and expect a different result. That’s the clinical definition of insanity.

If our politicians refuse to voluntarily step aside and let others serve, we should ‘retire’ them at the ballot box. While we still have a country to save.


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