Important note to Whites: The insanity of (((Liberalism))) – Don’t take part in your own suicide – FIGHT BACK!!!

[This is a note I wrote to someone in the USA. Jan]

Nice video about the state lines. It should be as clear as daylight to all Whites by now that with the Jews/Liberals, we are NOT facing LOGIC. We are facing the most insane levels of hypocrisy. The (((Liberals))) are just making this shit up as they go along. And what they’re making up is merely based on THEIR NEEDS OF THE MOMENT! Their entire defense, at any time is based on their IMMEDIATE NEEDS. Thus what they said, last week or last month is no longer actually valid or it even clashes with what else they said. The (fake) logic of their defence is breaking down. I will repeat, Jews are the masters, nay, the GODS, of sophistry. What is sophistry? It is the art of making logical sounding arguments which are NOT LOGICAL. Everything Jews and Liberals tell you about anything … whether it is WW2 or Diversity, or White Nationalism or Liberalism or Blacks or Race IS ACTUALLY A GIGANTIC LIE. It’s a raw, in your face, LIE. But during the times when TV was the main method of brain-washing, and when many many facts could be ignored, excluded or hidden; it was possible to get away with this gigantic scam. They could then fool the entire planet because it was a one-way, MONOPOLY lie that was sent into everyone’s brain. But now that people can challenge things and, best of all, put out their own data and facts, now we are seeing how utterly empty, and bereft of any logic, data or honesty their arguments really are.

My own analysis and view is that, we must at all times, throw ourselves more energetically into the battle … into the war of words and ideas and facts, because you will see that it is possible to break down their logic even more.

I was watching a video about Psaki and what they call Psaki bombs, where the journalists now challenge her more openly, and Psaki is a master of ignoring important things and perhaps even just lying outright.

If Liberals and Jews can be put under more pressure, you’ll see that their ENTIRE POSITION is illogical and total junk.

I CANNOT stress enough, the importance of putting one’s enemies UNDER PRESSURE UNCEASINGLY. You’ll see the system breaking down. The key thing though, is when it breaks down and it’s own supporters see it breaking down. That is very important. That is where we will be winning. You MUST AT ALL TIMES KEEP YOUR ENEMY UNDER PRESSURE. NEVER GIVE YOUR ENEMY A FREE RIDE. You’ll see amazing things happen.


If you really study the positions that the (((Liberals))) take in America, you’ll see their tactics are based 100% on only supporting their own people and their allies. Every position they take, REGARDLESS OF THE ARGUMENTS, are actually based on what is good for the (((TRIBE))). That’s all they do. They actually don’t even have any positions that are truly logical. At the heart of their position are the following elements:-
1. Whites are evil and everything must be done to weaken Whites in every way, shape and form.
2. Blacks are wonderful and must be assisted, enriched, promoted, lauded while also ensuring that Black hatred to Whites is always INCREASED.
3. Only Jews Lives matter and everything related to Jews must be elevated above that of everyone else.

  1. Diversity is the religion which must be protected by any means possible including lying, cheating, slandering and where possible, murder.
  2. They attack, attack, attack on every front unceasingly.

ANY SYSTEM THAT EXISTS IS ONLY AS STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST LINK, and you’ll see that Liberalism and Leftism is really quite a bunch of indefensible nonsense. Diversity actually is total garbage and has no value EXCEPT as a foot in the door for Jews. It’s a door that allows Jews in and protects Jews and enables them to go wildly mad, raping the system at every twist and turn. While doing this, they are driving Whites out of power.

Jews are OBSESSED with POWER, and they teach the Blacks the same. Liberals, Leftists and Jews focus on POWER. While Whites muck around far too much and only put out very soft defenses. This is pure nonsense. We really will have to learn how to fight back with energy. This is very necessary. Then you’ll see that our enemies are not as strong as you think.

I’m convinced that most of what we face is pure BS of the highest order, and that it includes MASSES of PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. And that if one stares it down and you attack it correctly, you’ll see this thing falling apart at the seams.

Liberalism and Globalism is NOT as strong as you think. Just attack this rubbish and you’ll see that this entire world-wide Jewish house of cards can come crashing down.

It is tied together in a web the Jews have spun, but that web can collapse if Whites are determined and focused.

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