Hitler the Genius knew long before WW2 that only Germany can save the Western World or else Jews win!

I do quite a lot of reading and jumping around various books. I was looking at Mein Kampf and Hitler’s very brilliant analysis of the German strategic position in the world. Considering that Hitler’s Mein Kampf was published in 1925, it contained incredibly deep and accurate information on the strategic situation of Germany and the West.

For example, Hitler’s analysis of Britain and France’s position on the existence of Germany is dead right. He pointed out that the British are not as hostile to Germany as the French. The French, he said, would prefer to not have a united Germany, and that the German states should go back to being disunited as they were before Bismarck. This is a very sound analysis.

I was very impressed all round with the clarity and accuracy of his analysis of the German situation.

But I was blown away when he explained that the Western world will either rise or fall depending on whether the Germans could move forward with their National Socialism (NAZISM) and their policies.

He said that if the NAZIs fail, and Germany fails then the Jews will win and the whole Western world will go downwards.

Here we are in 2022, and we can see the extremely disgusting results of the Germans losing. With America being the leader of the Western world, what a total disaster we are in.

White men everywhere are grovelling to Jews and their Black attack dogs. Never before have White men and women been more pathetic than now.

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