Hitler & Christianity: Greatness & Christianity are mutually EXCLUSIVE
[Lasha Darkmoon published an article that was highly critical of Hitler's Christianity. She said he was in effect a hypocrite. I wrote her a short note in this regard. In a nutshell, I agree. But the problem lies with the Christians who are fooling themselves that Hitler was a Christian. But he wasn't. I understand that Lasha, as a woman, is very religious. This is a big factor in our society. But in the world of men, things are different. I sent a more detailed explanatory note to Jim Rizoli and others. Jan]
Here’s the note I sent to Jim and others:
I’m reading all the comments with fascination. I sent Lasha a few comments myself. Hitler was never a Christian. He could not have been. But he ruled a Christian country. The GERMANS were overwhelmingly Christian.
It is my personal opinion that: Frederick the Great of Prussia, Napoleon and Hitler were not Christians. With Hitler and Napoleon it’s harder to prove. But with Frederick you can see it as clear as daylight.
I have a personal viewpoint that may shock you all. I don’t believe that Christianity can produce great leaders. You’ll probably be very angry with me for saying this and you’ll want to counter me, but I’m quite certain this is so.
Christianity as a doctrine, PREVENTS greatness. It has to do with the LIMITATIONS that Christianity places on people’s behaviour.
You cannot achieve AWESOME GREATNESS if you are a Christian. It is impossible because your Christianity will limit your behaviour. In nature and life, competition is too intense and Christians are at a huge disadvantage.
Jews on the other hand have no limitations. They can commit any crime and it’s fine. In this brutal competitive world, you need to have a wide range of behaviours otherwise you cannot succeed.
Hitler did the best he could with a nation that was massively Christian.
He as a leader needed the flexibility of thought and action that is not possible to a truly Christian leader. To be a Christian and to be a powerful leader means that you limit your own options.
This is a VIOLENT, COMPETITIVE WORLD. And a Christian is at a huge disadvantage in such a world. But when we were PAGANS, we were much more realistic. We fought fire with fire.
We can be awesome. But we will never be awesome when we are totally Christian.