Got problems viewing HistoryReviewed? – Another thing that causes a problem…

One of my supporters was saying to me that he is having problems on my website and that images weren’t loading properly.

Then he turned off his Ad blocker and all was well.

So that is another thing that can interfere with the site.

I’m still digging into the cause of why the CSS doesn’t always load, and so far, I’m not finding anything that is consistent.

I thought a particular browser I had was causing the problem. So I installed that browser on another PC expecting to see the problem there again … but instead … nothing.

The only PC where I’ve seen problems is an old Windows 7 PC of mine, and only on a certain old browser. Otherwise, I’ve not been seeing any problems on any other browser on any other PC.

So this is not consistent. If you experience problems, also try looking to see if:-
(a) If you have an Ad Blocker
(b) Try different browsers.


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