Genocide of Boers: The English and the Blacks: 16 June is a sensitive date for many South Africans
[This is a message someone wrote that I received. The term "Afrikaners" below, with regard to genocide, really refers to the Boers. The British wanted to genocide the Boers. Jan]
June 16 is a sensitive date for many South Africans.
The blacks remember this day – what they call Youth Day – as the day on which riot police shot dead about 60 looting black youths in Johannesburg.
But for the Afrikaners, 16 June is the day that the English’s "genocide" began on the Boerevolk.
The English wanted to wipe out our nation completely, and have 40,000 children; 2,000 women; and 1,000 elderly men, died in concentration camps.
This was from 1899 to 1902.
How do you kill a nation’s character?
-You deprive her of her history…
How does a nation kill its own character?
-She allows it…
On 16 June 1900 Lord Roberts signed the death sentence of thousands of Boer women and children with his signature at the bottom of Proclamation (No 5/1900) in which he declared:
“Houses The houses in the vicinity of the place where the damage is done will be burned and the principle civil residents will be made prisoners of war”
Like animals, no worse, our people’s women and children are pushed into camps where thousands of them never come out again…
Did you get cold in your house last night? Did you feel the cold air in your lungs this morning when you got outside? Have you perhaps felt somewhere during the day that you are getting hungry and craving something to eat?
Now imagine yourself lying in a thin old tent with many other people during these cold winter nights while the wind cuts through the opening… .hunger… cold… sick…
Imagine yourself lying next to a child as he or she begins to breathe more gently and you know that child will not see the sun rise because there is no access to any help…
Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.
People sometimes wonder why we commemorate 16 June Concentration Camp Day… We do not commemorate the camps… we remember our people… We remember the thousands of women, children and old men who made the highest sacrifice for a nation’s pursuit of freedom.
We remember the hurt, but also the courage and daring of our ancestors who had to endure this injustice just so that the British could strike at the wealth of the Boer people…
The question you and I need to answer is simple… Are we ashamed of our history? Are we ashamed to remember the struggle of our ancestors?
Do we commemorate the 16th of June the sacrifice our people paid with pride and compassion?
I invite you to be quiet for a moment this year on the 16th of June… To think back to the hell our people had to go through in the concentration camps…. To understand where our people come from….
Because then you will realize why we are still here and why our people have a chance at a future….