[It's good to see Whites NOT QUITTING. Just keep soldiering on. Everyone is trying to shut us up. Just keep pushing forward! Jan]

Dear Freedom Community,

One of the greatest highlights of the world freedom movement was indeed Canada’s Truckers Freedom Convoy. It was the biggest protest in Canada’s history that inspired similar protests around the world, including Australia. Hundreds of thousands headed to Canberra in unity against medical tyranny – this too was Australia’s biggest protest in our history.

Here are some short videos to celebrate the Convoys’ one year anniversary – it is so inspiring to reflect back and see people from all walks of life, standing in unity under the ONE FREEDOM FLAG.

Now, one year on, we are seeing opinions change, eyes beginning to open on jab injuries, conversations starting to shift, even in lie-stream media with Channel Nine’s talk anchor, Karl Stefanovic, saying that he is not taking any boosters and is concerned about seeing healthy people dropping on the internet!

Unfortunately for Karl, he is still interviewing pro-jab “experts” who are still pushing these experimental shots.

We can all be proud of our involvement in the freedom movement – YOU stood on the right side of history. And to those who had paid a high price for your stance, we thank YOU. Perhaps one day we will have a wall honouring your sacrifice, highlighting the jobs that you lost. You are our true heroes and your sacrifice is never in vain because we see you, and you light the fires in all of us and give us fuel for our courage.

We know that medical tyranny is not over and so our fight continues, with each day and each opportunity to stand up for truth and freedom.

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