From an American, a retired Cop: People are awakening … I’m still hopeful…
[I got this from an American. Jan]
I’ve been there since the mid 1970’s. My father was a Chicago homicide detective in the early 60’s until he retired in 1968 earlier than he wanted to, because he was finally tired of seeing the truth.
Before we were alive, men like Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. saw what was going on with the International Banksters who infiltrated our banking system with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. Lindbergh tried to alert people by running for office and by writing a number of books; three to be exact in an attempt to wake up the American people to the dangers. Well we all know that the Rothschild’s and their cohorts bribed, blackmailed, intimidated and murdered anyone who tried to expose them.
JP Morgan and the Rockefeller family allied themselves with this international criminal cabal and today our nation and western civilization is "hanging by a thread."
If you have investigated the whole history of this cabal, you will find how deep and wide their cancerous influence goes in every facet of our institutions. And when you discover how hideous they really are and try to alert others you find it difficult to start an explanation of this evil, multifaceted madness. Often you feel the average person just can’t seem to grasp the truth and even intelligent people have a "cognitive dissonance" in trying to fathom the truth. It’s almost like finding out that the "bogeyman" exists, despite the fact you feel you are a rational person who suddenly realizes what reality really is. Most people just can’t seem to wrap their head around the truth.
My son is a highly intelligent person who works for a space agency I won’t mention here. He knows what is going on, but mostly never shares what he knows with others. He digs himself into his work in order to escape the madness he knows is really out there. I know he’s not alone.
For years I tried alerting people and tried sharing books and articles with them. Some people were open to examining the information and others adamantly want to dismiss you as some crank and nut case. But over time people are coming to the realization that something deeply wrong is going on. Superficially they think it’s about "draining the swamp". But sadly most are only dealing with the symptoms of this international cabal’s madness and they have no idea what the real causes are.
I pray that over time a sizable minority sees the real picture and understands the depth of the evil madness out there. As they overcome their "cognitive dissonance" they begin to be emboldened to share the truth. Eventually the truth will be seen again as more and more people are awakened and the "dumbed-downed" are seen as those that are alone, disconnected and out of step with reality.
Still Hopeful