From a European Friend about Anders Breivik’s Childhood
[What follows is what I was told by a friend in Europe about Brevik. I have not had time to study the matter or to think more about it. These are the views of an NS lady friend in Europe. These are not my views. I will review Breivik later to form my own opinions.
Breivik is a Free Mason and Hitler would never walk around killing Norwegian children…. Breivik made sure that even more people think that National Socialists are psychopath…. Hitler would go after the enemy, NOT Norwegian children!
You will find out why he became a psychopath:
Breivik’s father, Jens Breivik, was a diplomat and had three children from his previous marriage, while Breivik’s mother, Wenche Behring, had a six-year-old daughter, Elisabeth, from her first marriage to a Swede. The couple had been together for two years when Breivik was born. Jens Breivik got the impression that Wenche Behring wanted a life as a single mother, and she did not encourage contact between father and son. Jens Breivik lives in France with his fourth wife, and met his son Anders for the last time in 1995. Also, Jens Breivik’s first marriage sons have broken contact with his father.
Jens Breivik originally came from Stokmarknes in Vesterålen, from “a strict environment with little communication in the family”, and was an ardent supporter of the Labor Party. He had trained as a business economist in Bergen, while Wenche Behring was a nursing assistant and grew up in Kragerø. The couple divorced when Breivik was a year and a half, and Wenche Behring moved back to Norway with her two children. She settled in Jens Breivik’s apartment in Fritznersgate in the Frogner district of Oslo. She described, according to third-hand information, her husband as a “devil” while he described her as “crazy” and impossible to talk to. For his son’s sake, he supported her anyway financially. When Breivik was two years old, his mother asked the Welfare Office if the boy could stay with another family (payed by the state) during the weekends. She described the boy as “restless and later increasingly violent, capricious and full of unexpected whims”, and wanted to “get rid of” him. It was unclear whether she wanted to adopt him away or have him disappear in some other way. The “weekend family” described Wenche Behring as strange and difficult, and she ended the contact with the weekend family because the home in her opinion “did not suit Anders”. Wenche said she felt provoked by the three-year-old boy’s “inappropriate, condescending and ridiculous” smile. In the autumn of 1982, she and the children moved to a modern five-room apartment in the housing company Nedre Silkestrå. Jens Breivik made it financially possible.
Due to problems in marriage, Wenche Behring had wanted an abortion when she was expecting Anders, but did not agree to submit an application until the deadline had expired. Already during her pregnancy she experienced Breivik as “a difficult child who was troubled and kicked her, almost deliberately”. Her husband was present at birth what she thought badly (“Anders was hers!”). She nursed the boy for ten months until she felt it “ruined her.” He developed normally, linguistically and motorically, but after moving back to Oslo, she described that she “lives in constant fear for what he might do to his half-sister”. Surroundings found it strange that a mother was distressed by what a two-year-old child could do to an eight-year-old girl. Wenche Behring seemed to perceive her son as a grown man with scary intentions, occasionally describing the two year old toddler as a manipulative, invulnerable villain. To SSBU, she said she “wants to peel him off of me”. Employees at the Vigeland Park kindergarten noted that Breivik did not cry or show signs of pain even in the case of ugly falls. Absence of experiencing pain is frequently seen in traumatized children.
On February 3, 1983, almost four-year-old Breivik, his half-sister and mother were admitted to the family department at SSBU (the state’s center for child and adolescent psychiatry), which is very unusual. Psychiatrist Per Olav Næs was the head of the institution. He observed that the boy was “extremely proper, pedantic. Still, he washes his hands and wipes his mouth carefully. He becomes insecure when he does not find adequate systems and is very busy arranging things nicely next to each other … He has difficulty expressing himself emotionally, but when a reaction comes, these are strikingly strong. ” Nessie and another psychiatrist determined that conditions in the home were not good enough and that the boy should be moved from there. The child welfare agency did not do so, even though it was a child psychologist who sounded the alarm. Breivik’s mother had even asked the child protection for relief because she saw her son as difficult. However, the psychologist considered the home situation so severe that he recommended that the boy be immediately moved to a permanent foster home. The Child Protective Service later opposed that.
Breivik celebrated four years during his stay at SSBU, which lasted for three weeks. Upon arrival, Wenche Behring appeared suspicious, demanding and disoriented. She did not find the road from Gaustad up to SSBU, although there is only one road. Breivik wandered around during the stay, with no strategy for dealing with her mother or other adults. In psychiatry, it is called “disorganized attachment pattern”, a fairly typical behavior when “the safe harbor is at the same time the source of fear”. There was nothing wrong with the boy’s intelligence, but his behavior was similar to that later found in studies of orphanages from Romania. Breivik received no diagnosis of SSBU, but was described as “deviant”, and the symptom picture is similar to what is today referred to as “reactive attachment disorder”, a fairly rare and serious diagnosis. His mother described him as “aggressive and sticky,” but such behavior on the boy was not observed by others. She even confused him by alternately pulling him in and pushing him away. Neighbors were concerned that there was sometimes noise and turmoil in the home, while the two children under the age of ten were sometimes left alone in the home.
SSBU described Wenche Behring as “a woman with an extremely difficult upbringing … borderline personality structure and extensive, although partially denial, depression”. In a police interview after July 22, former neighbors explained how sounds came from her apartment in Lower Silk Road suggesting sexual activity with the two children present, and SSBU points to an episode where she should have asked her little son to commit a sexual act with someone outside the family. She is described as “confused” and “criticless” by SSBU, who worried about “the highly pathological relationship between Anders and his mother”, where the mother switched abruptly between talking sweetly to the boy and then openly wishing him dead. She herself told SSBU about her own upbringing, where there were family secrets about half-siblings, and where she had only since been told that she had spent a few years in an orphanage. Her father, a mason, had died early; while her mother allegedly got polio while pregnant with Wenche Behring, blaming her little daughter for ending up in a wheelchair. She was controlling, hateful and jealous of the girl, who at the age of seventeen broke contact with the family and left Kragerø in favor of a new life in Oslo.
At SSBU, the family was observed for three weeks by a team of eight specialists. In comparison, the Child Welfare’s follow-up consisted of three short home visits for six months, carried out by a consultant at Vika Assistance Office. The home consultant described a “harmonious” family with a “calm” mother, “well-behaved” daughter and “sympathetic, relaxed” son. Although the neighbors shared SSBU’s concern for the family, the home consultant’s superficial considerations were decisive for Breivik staying with his mother and half-sister.
Breivik’s stepmother Tove met the boy for the first time in the summer of 1983, after marrying his father, Jens Breivik. The two were employed by the Foreign Ministry and were to move to Paris, where Jens Breivik was posted at the Norwegian embassy. Before leaving for France, she met four-year-old Breivik, whom she immediately had good contact with. She describes him as an easy, good boy. They kept in touch after her divorce from his father, and last met in March 2011. Breivik’s half-sister Elisabeth lives in Los Angeles, and received a harsh mention in his “manifesto”. She pointed out to her mother the striking fact that a 30-year-old man had neither jobs nor plans for the future, but was only occupied with computer games.
Author Åsne Seierstad said (in a television interview in 2013) that “Without the bad childhood he had, I would argue that it has not been possible to carry out the terrorist act he did, eh; his lack of empathy development can be directly linked to childhood problems, that is, that he never felt safe with his mother, because it was love, hate, love, hate, off, on – all the time, and it goes directly to the development of empathy in a child, and it is obvious that he had an underdeveloped empathy, that is, a compassion … Childhood is important.”
As a thirteen-year-old, Breivik began at Ry’s junior school, where he entered a clique occupied with graffiti. As his tag (signature), he chose Morg, a comic book character in Marvel Comics, where Morg is the traitor who joins the enemy and acts as an executioner against his own people. In December 1994 he went to Copenhagen alone, where spray cans with paint were cheaper than in Oslo. When he arrived at Oslo’s main train station on Christmas Eve 1994 with the train from Copenhagen, all alone, the police found 43 spray cans in his backpack. He had earned the money as newspaper messenger; he walked around the Aftenposten for four years. Two weeks later, he was filmed by watchmen while writing in a railroad suburb in the Storo district. He was fined 3,000 kroner from the Grønland police station and the child protection came into the picture again. During a conversation between Breivik, his mother and a caseworker, it emerged that the fifteen-year-old had also once traveled alone to Copenhagen. He belittled his mother’s concern that he was about to end up as a criminal. In February 1995, at the age of sixteen, he terminated his contact with child welfare in writing while his mother withdrew her consent declaration. Thus, the child welfare agency could not obtain further information about the case; but the signature “Morg” was read on walls from Ullern and all the way to Kolbotn Station.
In 1995 Breivik had his last contact with his father, who in 2012 attempted to publish a book about his son. The publisher Gyldendal has rejected the manuscript. Breivik began at Hartvig Nissen’s upper secondary school, but in 1996 switched to Oslo Commercial High School based on a desire for more economics subjects. At that time he appeared in the district of Tåsen, where he entered the Tåsengjengen (Tåsen Clique) and was considered cool because he had dared to draw graffiti in the center of Oslo, and was well trained; Breivik lifted weights. In the summer of 1997 he had a girlfriend from Tåsen, losing face because she was considered the ugliest in the clique. When the relationship ended and she instead became a girlfriend with a Pakistani, Breivik disappeared from Tåsen and did not return; probably it was around the time he started in 3rd grade at the commercial gym, in August 1997.